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What Employer Wants in a Writing Sample on Job Application

You might be asked to write a sample letter to accompany your application for a job. This is generally known as a ‘letter of motivation’ or ‘cover letter’. It is an important part of your application that can make or break your chances of securing the position. This article will teach you the dos and don’ts of writing the perfect letter of motivation.

Keep It Short

This is your first priority when writing this letter. You want to ensure that it is concise and to the point. There should be no fluff, no unnecessary words. If you keep your letter below three paragraphs, you will have satisfied the employer that you have enough content to justify an in-depth review of your application. Sometimes there are so many applicants that the recruiter only has time for a quick scan of the resume before making their decision. You can bet they will not spend as much time reading your letter as they would if it was short and to the point.

Many applicants think that a long letter will automatically get them to the top of the pile. This is not the case. If you want to stand out among the crowd, you need to be clever and use correct English, avoid using jargon and keep the letter concise. Your letter should not take up more than two or three paragraphs. You should have enough content to make the employer interested in you, but you do not want to take up too much space.

Personal Touch

The key to writing a good letter of motivation is by being as personal as possible. When an employer receives a large number of applications for a single position, they can be overwhelmed by the sheer volume. If you want to stand out above the rest, you need to take the time to personalize the letter. You should address the employer by their name, and not just as ‘the company’. This will make them feel like you are talking to someone personally and not just a title. The letter should be written in a way that is easy for the employer to understand.

You can do this by incorporating into the letter something that is relevant to them. For example, if you are applying for a jobs in marketing, you could mention some of the marketing strategies you have implemented in your previous positions. Or, if you are applying for a jobs in copywriting, you could mention some of the interesting ideas and projects you have been involved in. By doing this, you will make the employer feel like you are addressing them personally, and not just as the company.

Show Your Collaboration

The key to writing a good letter of motivation is by showing that you have collaborated with others in a team environment. If you have worked with others and have shown that you can work in a team, the employer can see that you have the potential to be a collaborative worker. You should mention in the letter that you have been working in teams, and that is why you are applying for the position. You should also mention any collaborative projects you have been involved in. This will show the employer that you can be a contributing member to a team, and that you can be trusted to carry out tasks as part of a group effort.

When collaborating with others, you should always show that you are working to achieve a common goal. For example, if you are applying for a jobs in customer engagement, you could mention that you have been working with other departments in the company to improve the customer experience. This is something that you, as an individual contributor, cannot do on your own. You are applying for a position that requires collaboration, and the collaboration will be shown in the way you have structured the letter.

Include All Important Details

When writing the letter, you should include all the important details the employer needs to know about you. This includes your education, training, skills, certifications, and work experience. You should include all these details in a neat and concise manner. If you leave out any important details, the employer might assume you are trying to hide something. This could put you at a disadvantage. So, take the time to find out what information the employer needs, and you will make the right decision.

For instance, if you are applying for a jobs in marketing, you might mention that you have a Bachelors degree in Business. This would be relevant training for the position. However, if you are applying for a jobs in Product Management, your degree might not be as relevant. In this case, you could include details about your experience in the field. For example, you could mention that you have worked for a marketing agency, and launched new products for some of the biggest brands. This would be enough information for the employer to determine your suitability for the job.

Avoid Plagiarism

When applying for jobs, you should always have a written sample of your work available. This could be a piece of writing that you have done for school, or for a project. You should have some samples that are appropriate for each application you submit. If the recruiter does not have your sample, they will not be able to verify your skills and knowledge. This could lead to you being disqualified from the process.

Plagiarism is copying and pasting parts of other people’s work and misrepresenting it as your own. Plagiarism is not tolerated, and can lead to you being disqualified from the process. Always make sure that your work is your own original work and that you have the right to sell the work as you have created it. If you are worried about your work being copied and pasted without attribution, you should consider applying for a job that is not listed in this article. As a general rule, do not copy and paste parts of other people’s work in your own application. If you are in doubt, ask yourself, ‘does this sound like something I would have genuinely written?’ If you had written the letter, would you want someone else to copy and paste your work?