A writing sample may seem like a thing of the past, but in the job hunting world, it’s a frequent requirement. In fact, according to one survey, 70% of employers check your writing sample before making a decision about whether or not to hire you.
While most people assume that a writing sample indicates that you’re not a good writer, that’s not always the case. There are situations where a writing sample is essential to the job search, and not necessarily as a reflection of your abilities as a writer.
Why Are They Looking At Your Writing Sample?
In 2019, there are more than 2.9 million open jobs globally. That’s a lot of competition, especially as most job boards have a minimum requirement for a writing sample. For many employers, the sample shows that you can operate on a variety of tasks and manage your time effectively. It also demonstrates your ability to analyze and synthesize information.
What Should You Include In Your Writing Sample?
To write a successful sample, you need to demonstrate that you can write professionally, concisely, and creatively. For best results, look for a sample writing question, preferably one that is challenging but not too difficult. Once you’ve answered it, you’ll be able to show off your skills in a compelling way.
What Should You Avoid?
Include little to no spelling errors or grammatical mistakes in your sample. Also, try to avoid using examples from television, books, or other publications; these are easy to identify and correct. If you haven’t written anything like this before, get some feedback from a trusted colleague or friend.
What Would You Do With This Info?
A hiring manager might ask you for your writing sample, so they can get a sense of how you write, how you would approach the job, and what you’re like as a person. Your answers to these questions will give you a better chance at landing the job, and that’s what you want, right?
If you’re in a situation where you need to provide a writing sample, then do your best to provide a high-quality one. Being picky about the contents will not only make you stand out from the crowd, but it might also land you a well-deserved raise or promotion.