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Home ยป What Does a Degree in Professional Writing for Creative Arts Entail?

What Does a Degree in Professional Writing for Creative Arts Entail?

It’s what we’ve all been waiting for. The long, cold winter months are finally over, and the days are getting warmer. But before we know it, our time at university is almost up. So what does a degree in professional writing for creative arts entail? Let’s take a quick look.

The Goods

So what are the benefits of studying creative arts at university? Well, you’ll be glad to know that there are many, and they can all be summarised in two words: creativity and innovation. The course will teach you how to break out of the box, and how to be unique, original and creative. Basically, studying creative arts at university will increase your employability. It will also help you to become more confident, articulate, and creative individuals. Which, in turn, will make you happier and more satisfied with life. Win-win.

The Bad

On the other hand, there are a few things you need to know before you start your studies. First of all, be prepared to learn a lot. While the course will teach you everything you need to know, you’ll also need to put in the work. The good news is that the course will be challenging, and you’ll learn a lot in the process. Not to mention that the lecturers are always willing to help. So don’t be afraid to ask them questions. And last but not least, be prepared for the application process to be stressful. After all, applying for a university course is already a big step. You’ll need to make sure that you’re applying to the right place, and that you’re meeting the prerequisites. Sometimes, you might not be lucky enough to be admitted to the course you want. So be sure to keep your options open, and apply to a lot of different universities. Chances are, somewhere in your application you’ll find a course that suits you perfectly.

The Course

Now, let’s get into the details of the course. As mentioned, it’s a four-year programme, and it’s extremely flexible. Basically, you can study the course in a number of different ways. You can do a full-time degree, part-time degree, or even a postgraduate certificate. So there’s really no wrong way to study the course. And, as a general rule, people who study part-time tend to fare better in life. Especially if they’re aiming for higher-level positions. You’ll also be able to decide which subjects you’d like to focus on. So if you think that you’re strong in writing, you can choose to study literature or creative writing. Or, if you’re interested in theatre and performance, you can study dramaturgy or dramatic writing. And, last but not least, if you’re looking for a career in journalism, you can study either digital or traditional journalism. The course will give you the basic skills you need, no matter which route you choose. With just over 60% of the degree’s available to online students, you’ll have the opportunity to study from anywhere. Which is great if you’re a freelance writer, or you work remotely. You’ll be able to log on to your lecturers, ask questions, and get instant answers. All of which will increase your productivity, and allow you to get more work done. Win-win again.


As mentioned, you’ll be able to decide which direction your career will take. Whether you’re looking for a career in journalism, copywriting, or editing, you’ll be able to study the subject in great detail, and gain the skills you need to enter the field. As for which direction to enter, that’s entirely up to you. Personally, I would recommend studying journalism. You will gain skills that are valuable in any field, and you’ll get to grips with the basics of reporting and researching. Journalism is a versatile career, and it’s one that looks good on a resume. Especially if you want to progress quickly within the industry.

Final Takeaway

So, there you have it. A quick summary of the benefits, drawbacks, and requirements for a degree in professional writing for the creative arts. Now, you know what it takes to enter the industry. Whether you’ve decided to go full-time, part-time, or even completely digitally. So go ahead. Apply. Enrol. And with luck, you’ll be able to start your writing career, and make yourself a name for yourself in the process. Congratulations!