Being a good copywriter isn’t solely about writing winning headlines or crafting perfect pitches; it’s about using your talent to communicate in the most effective and persuasive way possible.
While the former can be considered a form of copywriting, the latter entails all aspects of marketing, advertising, and sales—from the initial concept through to the follow-up mailer. So to prove your worth as a copywriter, you need to be able to show that you know your subject matter inside out, and that you can apply your knowledge to create compelling content.
Understand the Reader’s Mindset
In order to create compelling content, you need to begin by considering the mindset of the reader. To better understand your audience’s frame of mind, ask yourself the following questions:
What do I want them to understand?
“What do I want them to understand?” This is the question that must be answered before you start typing. Ask yourself this question before you start any project, and write a list of everything you think the reader might not already know about the topic. This will help you figure out what information you need to convey, and how you should say it.
Having a clear idea of what your audience needs to know will help you determine the most effective way to present your information. It can also help you identify key words and phrases that you should include in your content—as well as those that you should avoid. This will, in turn, help improve the readability and appeal of your text.
How do I want them to feel?
Consider your reader’s feelings along with your logic. You cannot expect your reader to understand your intentions if you don’t take the time to explain them. Instead of stating your aim (for example, increasing profits or inspiring confidence) you should describe the effect you wish your writing to have (for example, making the reader feel comfort or confidence).
By applying this strategy, you’ll be able to connect with your reader on an emotional level and create a bond that will encourage them to continue reading your work. Research has shown that words and phrases that evoke strong and positive feelings in the reader are more likely to compel them to take action—such as buying a product or service or making a donation.
What do I need to prove?
Writing persuasive copy is all about making your reader agree with your point of view—without appearing too aggressive. To write effective editorial copy, you need to adopt a balanced approach and consider your reader’s needs along with your goals. While you must be able to prove your skill, you also need to show that you understand the other side’s viewpoint. Your job is to persuade, not to demand. To achieve this, you need to consider your reader’s position and the resources available to him.
When applying this strategy, it’s important to avoid over-embellishment. Make sure that your readers are able to follow your line of reasoning step by step. If you think that your reader might have a different opinion, you should invite him to disagree with you—and not to judge you. Let him find his own answers. Creating a climate of trust is the key to getting your message across and changing mindsets.
How can I make it entertaining?
People often cite boredom as the main reason for stopping reading an article or watching an explainer video. To ensure that your content stands out, you need to consider several factors. First, make sure that you’ve covered all the necessary elements (known as the K.I.S.S. principle – Keep It Simple, Sweetheart!).
The key is to keep your writing as simple as possible but at the same time, make it as informative as possible. Your readers will appreciate your efforts if you present your material in an interesting and engaging style.
Above all, be honest.
If your goal is to convince your reader of your point of view, you must begin by being as impartial as possible. For the sake of your argument, you are arguing for a particular viewpoint. However, you must also be able to present the facts equally well—if not better—than your opponent. An honest and impartial approach will increase the credibility of your editorial and make your reader feel that you’ve given him a fair hearing. Being open and honest about your own views can, in turn, help you examine and improve your arguments. When drafting your editorial, be sure to state clearly what you know and what you don’t know. It’s also essential that you cite your sources—whether facts or figures—with transparency.
Remember: Good copy doesn’t sell bad products!
It’s easy to fall into the trap of persuading your reader to buy a certain product just because it’s associated with a brand name that you think he’ll like. A good copywriter will instead focus on the merit of the product itself and the emotions that it can arouse within the reader.
While it’s essential that you understand your audience and what they want, you also need to be sensitive to your own feelings and the emotions that your product might evoke in you. If you experience emotional attachment to a certain product (for example, because it’s associated with a celebrity or brand) you run the risk of becoming biased.
To write good copy, you must put yourself in your reader’s shoes and examine your product or service from his point of view. If you have a tendency to get distracted by external stimuli (such as brand names or celebrity associations), you might find that your work suffers. Instead, you should strive to understand your product or service from the standpoint of an impartial and objective observer. This will, in turn, help you craft the most effective editorial possible. In summary, to prove you’re a good copywriter, you need to consider your work from all sides—including the reader’s.