Learning English as a second language is not easy. There are many obstacles in your way, and you will have to overcome them all to become an independent English speaker. One of the main difficulties you will face is the lack of practice. The majority of the English language courses and schools only offer classes once a week or twice a week, which does not provide you with enough opportunities to practice the language. You will also have to find your own way to practice and improve your skills. Luckily, with a little bit of effort, you will be able to achieve a decent level of English, and this article will tell you about what you can learn in English writing.
The Basics
When starting your studies in English, you will have to learn about the English language structure and how to use it. The English language is a bit complicated, and it has a lot of rules that you have to learn and remember. One of the first things you should learn is the basic sentence structure in English. You will have to learn the differences between the five basic structures: declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamative, and conditional.
Learning the five basic structures will not be easy, but it will make you an independent English speaker. Knowing how to form these structures will help you organize your thoughts and ideas as you write, and it will also make your English much easier to understand for a native English speaker. You should also learn about the four parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Knowing these four parts of speech will allow you to create and use complex sentences, which will make your writing much more interesting and effective. You will learn about compound sentences and how to create and use them later in your studies.
How To Form Parallel Structures
Parallel structures are similar in nature and used for comparing two or more things. For example, you can compare two sports teams or you can compare two cars. You use parallel structures to compare things that are of the same type, and in order to do this, you need to learn how to form them. You will learn about the most useful and relevant parallel structures in English, and you will learn how to use them effectively to compare two items. You need to be able to form these structures in your head, so you can use them when speaking and writing English. The most useful structures for comparing two items are:
- Similarly vs. Similarly
- In comparison to vs. In comparison to
- On the other hand vs. On the other hand
- In contrast to vs. In contrast to
- In summary vs. In summary
How To Form Compound Words
A compound word is made up of two or more words that are combined into one. For example, many English speaking countries use “holiday” as a compound word. The two words “holiday” combine to form the compound word “holiday”. You will learn about the most common and useful compound words in English, and you will learn how to form them. When forming a compound word, you need to keep the following rules in mind:
- The prefix of the first word becomes the prefix of the whole word
- Words that are similar in sound are usually combined (homophones)
- Words that have a similar meaning are usually combined (polysemous words)
- Words with a similar meaning but different spellings are usually combined (homographs)
- Words with completely different spellings but similar meaning are usually combined (homophones)
How To Create Vivid Images In Thought
When you write, you have to have something to write about. However, you do not need to literally describe what you see in front of you. There are many words and phrases in English which are used to create vibrant images in your head. These are the words and phrases you should learn:
- Imagine vs. Immagine
- Mental image vs. Mental picture
- Scenario vs. Situational
- Metaphor vs. Metonymy
- Hyperbole vs. Exaggeration
- Simile vs. Metaphor
- Paradox vs. Irony
How To Make Your Writing More Vivid
Once you have mastered the basics of English grammar, you can start making your writing more vivid. You can do this by using appropriate vocabulary and avoiding grammatical errors. You can add more detail to your writing by using specific phrases and words which will give your writing more meaning and enhance your overall sentence structure. You should avoid using colloquialisms and popular words which might not be familiar to your readers. Learning how to make your writing more vivid will help you become a more effective and independent writer. When writing, you should always keep the following in mind:
- Create a strong opening for the article
- Use specific words and phrases to make your writing more vivid
- Organize your thoughts and ideas clearly
- Use only useful and relevant vocabulary
- Create and use compound words wisely
- Follow the alphabetical order of the English language
- Write in a way that is easy to understand
A good English grammar book will go over all of the above points, and it will also teach you about more complex structures such as adjective clauses, participial phrases, and gerunds. These are all important tools for the English language enthusiast, so you should make sure you learn them all!