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What Do Masters Look For in Creative Writing Samples?

Aspiring writers, get your pens out! Your novel or short story might be close to being ready, but you need something more tangible to show your talent. With the world of publishing being so competitive, you need to find a way to make your work stand out. Luckily for you, we’re here to help with some tips on how to polish your creative writing samples!

The Pros

If you want to become a professional writer, you’ll have to do a lot of research into what specialties are in demand. One of the biggest advantages for you is that we’re going to tell you what types of samples masters look for. The following are some of the things that might get you a call back:

Complex Characterizations

One of the things that make a story or novel special is the way in which the characters are developed. Does the protagonist act in a way that is rational and makes sense in the circumstances? Does the antagonist behave in a way that is consistent with their nature? These are just some of the questions that might be asked by a literary agent or publisher. If your answer to any of these questions is ‘no,’ then your work might not be as sophisticated as you think it is. The more complex your characters are, the more interesting your story tends to be.

An Ability To Build A Story

In the same way that you have to know how to write a good novel in the first place, you also have to be able to build a story. A professional writer should be capable of creating a compelling narrative that keeps the reader interested and entertained. One of the easiest ways to do this is by regularly sprinkling in new details or scenes that keep the reader guessing about what is going to happen next. This is the type of writer that really stands out to an agent or editor, who is frequently on the lookout for new talent. If your story is really unique and you are able to keep the reader guessing until the ending, then there is no doubt that you’ll be able to write something special.

Effective Use Of Dialogue

Dialogue is an extremely important aspect of any story, because it is through talking that characters are developed. Does your dialogue serve to illustrate a point you are making, or does it just come out garbled and unhelpful? Remember, your dialogue must be consistent with your character’s nature, and it should never be overdone. When used effectively, dialogue can make or break a story; it just depends on how you use it.

A Sense Of Humor

Humor is absolutely essential if you want to make your story or novel stand out above the rest. If your work is funny, then it tends to be much more relatable and easier to connect with the reader. Everyone likes to laugh, and putting a smile on your reader’s face is a sure-fire way to make them continue on with your story. You don’t need to be a ‘teller of tales’ to be able to pull off humor; all it takes is talent and a good sense of timing.

A Comprehensive Understanding Of The Craft

An aspiring writer shouldn’t just be able to crank out a novel or short story in a month or so, and expect it to be good enough to publish. Even professionals need to constantly refine and improve their craft, and a good writer should never be satisfied with their work. A good writer should always be looking for ways to make their work better, and to improve their understanding of story construction and character development. A good writer will constantly be thinking of ways to make their work stand out above the rest, and you can bet that an agent or publisher will be asking you the same question.

Knowing what types of samples masters look for can help you to determine whether or not your story is strong enough to be considered for publication. If you want to make sure that you meet the right people, then consider developing your creative writing skills through a writing degree or online writing certificate. With the right guidance and support, you might just find that publication is right around the corner!