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Home » What Creative Writing Sample to Send to Graduate School?

What Creative Writing Sample to Send to Graduate School?

You have a handful of sample creative writing assignments that you have written over the years. You might have even written a few while you were in school. Now that you’re writing your graduate thesis, it’s time to pick out a sample of your work that best represents your style and content. The truth is no one sentence, and no one paragraph, can ever encapsulate your entire creative journey. So you need to find the right balance of previously published works that best demonstrates your voice, style and worldview. 

Let’s dive into the topic a little bit more. What should you include in your creative writing sample?


If you’re a poet, include your haiku, sonnets, villanelles or free verse. Whether you have an iambic meter or not, include some work that you have published in a reputable poetry journal. It would be beneficial to include samples of your work in progress as well. This way they can see your growth as a poet as well as your talent. Remember: you must not include any part of your own personal life in your work. This is simply because your future employers, and even your referees, do not need to know what kinds of relationships you are having outside of your professional life. Keep all your intimate affairs to yourself and your friends. However, do not worry too much about matching your previous works. As long as your overall message is clear, you can always find a way to develop your craft.

Short Stories

If you’re a short story writer, include a few of your most memorable stories. Be careful not to choose any longer than 3000 words. Anything longer, and you risk losing the attention of your potential audience. Remember that short stories are all about the execution. So, include some sample stories where you have used a minimalistic approach. This will show that you can be effective with little to no prior experience. Be creative with your word choices, and always keep your reader in mind. You want to entertain them, but you also want to pull them into your world and make them feel that they are a part of your creative process.

Essays and novellas are great samples to include too. Especially if you have explored a particular theme in your work. This way, they can see that you have not only the raw talent, but that you also have the intellectual capacity to back up your creative voice. The key is to focus on your theme and develop your argument as clearly and logically as possible. In addition, make sure that your style is consistent throughout. While you want to be adventurous and creative, you also need to be able to follow the instructions your supervisor gives you. If you are following a particular formatting guide, make sure that you adhere to it. Otherwise, you risk looking untrustworthy.

Action / Adventure

If you’re working on an action-adventure script, include some sample material of what you have written. The most important thing here is that your work must have an exciting and novel element to it. Be careful not to choose an element that has been used before in a similar manner. Create something new that will make your script stand out. In addition, make sure that you always answer the questions posed to you by your potential readers and audience. This is a critical step in any creative writing process. Without a clear understanding of how your work will be received, it’s hard to write anything truly original. Having a sample is essential in this case. It will help you find the proper tone and balance of your stories. In addition, it will help you find the right style and approach for your work. While it would be great to include some humorous anecdotes or interesting facts about yourself in your creative writing sample, keep your personal stories and experiences to yourself. This is particularly important if you’re applying for jobs in the entertainment industry. The last thing you want is to give the employer the impression that you are not an independent person but rather a mere puppet. Even though you want to be fully engaged in your work, you must maintain a certain level of autonomy. Be careful not to give your supervisors any ideas about how to write your thesis. They will certainly try to trick you, but you must remain confident. If they prove to be clever, your work will suffer and you will not be able to reach your full potential.


If you’re applying for jobs in the drama field, include a few of your short plays or scene excerpts. Be sure to choose plays that you have actually staged. This way, they can see that you have the ability to develop a fully functioning script. In addition, include some of your favorite plays. This will again, prove your versatility as a writer and demonstrate your interest in different styles and subjects. Make sure that your plays are character driven. This will help set them apart from other applications and show that you have a specific vision in mind.


If you’re applying for jobs in the comedy field, include a couple of your one-act or play scripts. As before, make sure to include some of your favorite comedy scripts. In addition, include some of your own material that you have written over the years. This will again, prove your versatility as a writer and your ability to write in different styles. Be sure to choose jokes and anecdotes that are relevant to the situation. This will make you appear more natural and help the reader connect with you.


If you’re applying for jobs in the non-fiction field, include a few of your published essays or non-fiction articles. Make sure to choose pieces that are published in well-known journals. In addition, be sure to include some that are available for free download from online academic databases. This will, again, prove your versatility as a writer and demonstrate your ability to write effectively in different styles and formats. Make sure to include an informational piece about some current event or issue that is relevant to your potential audience. As with the other categories, be creative with your word choice and formatting. However, do not go too much into detail about yourself or your personal life. After all, this is your professional sample.


If you’re applying for jobs in the mixed field, include a couple of short stories, a play and an essay. Be sure to include your style of each piece in your application. For instance, if you’re applying for a playwriting job, include the style of a traditional drama or a modern comedy. It’s great to have versatility, but in this case, it’s a double edged sword. Having too many different types of samples can hurt you rather than help you. Be sure to choose a sample that will showcase your talent most effectively. In addition, be careful not to choose too much material from the same category. This will make it appear as though you are a puppet rather than an independent thinker. Just because you want to show off your versatility as a writer, does not mean that you need to choose material from all four categories. Think of this option as a mixed bag. You want to include a sample that best represents your overall style and quality.