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Home ยป What Can a Creative Writing Degree Do for You?

What Can a Creative Writing Degree Do for You?

A creative writing (or arts) degree can teach you something about story-telling and how to make something out of nothing. But beyond that, it can also provide you with some unique job opportunities. Here are just a few of the things you can do with a creative writing degree.

Unique Career Opportunities

An artistic writing degree can give you an edge in any job field. Many prestigious universities award these degrees and the competition to get in can be tough. But with your degree, you’ll have the opportunity to study under some of the most well-known writers in the world. This will not only look good on your resume, but it also means you’ll have access to some of the best minds in the industry.

If you want to remain in the arts, you could try for an MFA (Master of Fine Arts). The MFA is not for everyone, but it can give you the platform to build a career as a creative writer. You’ll learn a lot about craft while also getting the chance to show off your creativity in a new way.

Expand Your Mind

Arts degrees can open up a lot of career opportunities. But being creative doesn’t just mean you’ve got a knack for writing. Your degree could put you in front of a crowd, instilling you with the confidence to express yourself through art. It might even introduce you to a field you’d never thought of exploring before. If you have a genuine interest in the arts, it’s definitely worth looking into.

Learn To Be Yourself

The most important thing about a creative writing (or arts) degree is that it gives you the opportunity to be yourself. While a lot of people go through life simply copying what others say or do, you’ll be learning how to form your own opinions and how to be true to yourself. Your essay writings will give you the chance to show off your creative side and not worry about whether or not what you write will be accepted. It’s important to stress that this is not a bad thing; in fact, it can be a very good thing.

Many people get nervous when they see degrees hung on the wall. After all, it’s common knowledge that the longer a degree, the more opportunities it provides. But fear not, creative writing (or arts) degrees are much less common than you think. Since many prestigious universities award these degrees, the competition to get in is high. But with your degree, you’ll have the opportunity to study under some of the most well-known writers in the industry. Plus, your creative side will be able to emerge through your writings, allowing you to expand your mind as well as gain confidence in who you are and what you have to offer.


Depending on where you go to school, how long you stay there and what major you decide to focus on, you could be presented with the opportunity to travel abroad. Many universities offer student exchange programs that allow you to gain valuable experience by teaching or mentoring at a foreign institution. You might even get the opportunity to live and study in a different country entirely!

If you’re looking for a new challenge, a degree in creative writing can open up a lot of opportunities. Just remember to continue putting your best foot forward, conducting yourself with integrity, and demonstrating leadership ability. You’ll become an inspiration to others and achieve great things!