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What Are Some Examples of Copywriting?

The art of copywriting isn’t quite as simple as it seems. Actually, there’s a lot more to it than simply “clicking” on some words and phrases to make an enticing ad. In fact, when it comes to advertising, there’s a lot more that goes into it than meets the eye. If you’re looking for some inspiration on what to include in your next marketing campaign, here are some examples of copywriting that you can study and learn from.

Product Description

A lot of times, marketers will include a short description of the product that the person reading the ad is looking for. This could be in the form of an enticing blurb or a detailed rundown on what the product is and does. Think of online retailer’s “Product Description” section on their website.

This is a place where they go into great detail about the different types of sneakers that they carry. They even break down each pair by size and category so that visitors can easily find what they’re looking for.

The benefit of including a product description is that it gives the potential buyer a better sense of what the product is and what it does. It also helps the product stand out from the rest because it’s slightly more unique content.

Benefits Of The Product

People need reasons to buy a product. Sometimes, these are really obvious (like if you’re purchasing a drink container because you’re running out of drinks), sometimes they’re not (like if you’re purchasing a new umbrella because it started to rain heavily during your umbrella’s last outing).

Sometimes, businesses will include information about the benefits of the product. What is the product and what does it do? Why should you buy it? You could write a whole page of text about the various advantages of the product – what sets it apart from other products of its kind?

For example, St. Louis-based coffee shop chain Arch Grounds included a lot of information about the benefits of their coffee in their 2015 holiday ad. They talked about how great it is for your health, how it promotes creativity, and even how it can help with your social skills (if you’re a social creature like many of us coffee lovers, you’ll love this piece).

Customer Reviews

People like to read reviews before buying products. If a product has decent reviews, it usually means that it’s a decent product and not a complete knock-off. Many retailers will include customer reviews in their ads, especially if the product is somewhat popular – it shows that they’re thinking about their customers and trying to provide a good experience.

You can do the same thing when promoting a business, product, or service. If you have a local business that you think is exceptional, you can review them on sites like Yelp or Google Reviews. If you’re looking for a new product or service, you can read reviews or visit the business’ website to get a feel for what others say about it.

There are a lot of benefits to including customer reviews in your copywriting. First of all, it gives you the opportunity to showcase your knowledge of the industry and the product being advertised. Second, it gives the reader a feeling of trust and safety because you’re talking about something that they’re likely to be interested in.

Comparison To Other Similar Products

If you’re not sure what kind of copy to write for your particular product, it might be a good idea to study the competition. How are other companies selling a similar product? What are their prices? How are they promoting the product online?

You can use tools like Google AdWords’ Keyword Planner to help you find the keywords that other companies are using to enter their industry – this can help you find your niche and decide what to emphasise in your copy.

Avoiding The Copywriter’s Trap

If you’re new to the world of copywriting, it can be pretty tempting to fall into the trap of just using popular words and phrases. As you get more experience, you’ll learn to avoid doing this because it makes your writing sound generic. Instead, you can use your own words and unique phrases to create better adverts.

If you have a tendency to overuse certain words and phrases (like the ones mentioned above), you can try and eliminate these from your writing. You can also look for synonyms and alternatives to find the right words for the situation.

Types Of Copy

There are four basic types of copywriting – slogan, warning, instruction, and narrative. (Yes, the same types of copy you’ll find in magazines, newspapers, and on the internet.)

A slogan is a short memorable phrase that embodies the essence of a product or service. For example, Nike’s famous slogan, “Just Do It,” is usually shortened to “Just Do.”

A warning is a piece of copy that alerts the reader to be careful in some way. In some cases, you’ll see the words “Health Warning” or “Warning” at the end of a piece of advertising to denote a health or safety concern. This kind of warning can exist in four basic forms:

1. The Chilling Effect

This is the type of warning that reduces the temperature of whatever it is you’re warning about. For example, if you are advertising a spa, you might want to warn people that the water is freezing.

2. The Threatening Effect

If something is threatening you or your business, you can use this type of warning to get the attention of the reader. For example, if you’re a fashion brand and you notice that there’s a famine in Africa, you could use this type of warning to get people to buy more of your product. (In case you’re wondering, the answer is “yes.” You do get to use this type of warning when you’re advertising a product or service.)

3. The Descriptive Effect

If you’ve ever been stuck in an airport or a long layover, you might have found yourself perusing a magazine or a catalog trying to figure out what to buy for your next trip or vacation. That’s when you find a piece of descriptive copy – the type of text that will help you better understand what you’re looking at. If you see a beautiful handbag and you don’t know what kind of bag it is, you can use descriptive copy to learn more – maybe it’s a clutch, maybe it’s a satchel, maybe it’s a tote. (No airport joke here.)

Narrative is, in some ways, the opposite of a slogan. A narrative is a piece of writing that provides the backstory for something – in other words, it tells you about what happened before the story opened up in the first place. In some cases, you’ll find that a narrative is used to introduce the major characters and set up the situation – think, for example, of a playwright writing a synopsis of his completed play before going into details about the story itself.

Instruction is, pretty much, what it sounds like – you’re providing information in a clear and concise manner in order to make the reader more intelligent. For example, if you own a flower shop and you want to advertise it, you can use an instructional piece to provide tips on how to buy flowers – how much do you need to spend? What qualities should you be looking for?

Slogan, warning, instruction, and narrative are all types of copy that you can include in your next marketing campaign. Just don’t be afraid to try something new – after all, that’s what makes your business special and allows you to stand out in the crowd.