In the past, creative writing was considered a side-hustle or a hobby. You might have enjoyed writing for fun, but you certainly didn’t consider it a viable career path. That has changed dramatically over the past several years, which makes now a really great time to be a writer! If you’re looking to start your career, you have countless options – from short stories to long-form non-fiction to novels and more – and they all require significant training.
The following will discuss the various types of creative writing courses available and what you can expect from them.
Masters In Creative Writing
The master’s degree is your ticket to a promising future as a writer. Most publishers and literary agencies prize creative writing degrees highly because it is such a sought-after skill-set. It doesn’t happen often that a university or college offers a masters program in creative writing, so when they do, you should probably jump at the chance to attend.
In addition to providing you with the academic foundation to embark on a new career, the masters program will give you the opportunity to get your feet wet by doing a variety of short-story assignments in class. In addition to getting to grips with the basics of fiction, you’ll also learn how to edit your work effectively and how to approach commercial or academic writing. Not only that, but you’ll also have access to some of the finest tutors and teachers the university has to offer.
Masters In Short Fiction Writing
While it’s great to aim high and achieve a master’s degree in creative writing, it isn’t necessarily a requirement to become a full-time writer. If you think you have what it takes, you can pursue a career in writing without having to go through a formal education. Just make sure you look into the various apprenticeships or fiction-writing classes offered by your local university or community college.
Short stories are all the rage right now, so if you’re looking to get your feet wet, why not take a class specifically on short stories? You’ll learn all about the form, including the different types of short stories (e.g. sci-fi, horror, etc.), as well as get the chance to write and submit your own short stories. You’ll also get the opportunity to read various short stories by famous authors and study their writing techniques. This could really help you decide whether or not you’d like to pursue this route. You’ll be submitting your work to some of the biggest publishers and literary agents in the business, so you can bet your resume will be standing out of the crowd.
Doctoral Degree In Creative Writing
If you’re really determined to make your writing dream a reality, why not pursue a doctoral degree? Just remember to apply to a lot of different universities because, believe it or not, there are a lot of opportunities out there for writing graduates. With your doctorate, you’ll have the opportunity to delve into more complex issues in creative writing. You could examine gender in contemporary American literature, for example, or trace the themes of the vampire novel through 20th century fiction. Essentially, you’ll have the chance to get as creative as you can get with your thesis!
While it might be tempting to pursue a career in creative writing without having a formal education, you should try and go back to education as soon as possible because it is so valuable. Even if you do end up in a field unrelated to writing (e.g. publishing), having an educational foundation certainly won’t hurt your CV. Just remember to apply to a lot of different universities because, as we’ve established, there are a lot of opportunities out there.
Fiction Writing
When people think of creative writing, they often think of novels, but that isn’t necessarily true. You’ll often find short stories considered the ‘basic’ form of fiction, with novels being considered the ‘high-falutin’ form’ of the genre. What’s important is that you choose a path that makes you happy and that you feel confident will lead you to a successful career. If you do end up deciding on a fiction career path, why not pursue an MA in Creative Writing? Most universities offer a Bachelor of Arts in English with a specialization in Creative Writing, which means you’ll be learning everything from composition to creative techniques while also getting the chance to practice what you’ve learnt.
Non-Fiction Writing
If you’re looking for a career in non-fiction, why not consider an MA in Creative Writing? Like in the case of fiction, not all non-fiction requires an academic foundation. History, for example, is a fantastic non-fiction topic, and you may well learn all you need for a professional career while also putting all of this knowledge into practice by submitting your own pieces for academic journals.
If, however, you love to write for fun and would like to make a career out of it, why not consider an MA in Journalism? You’ll learn all about the practical side of journalism, including investigative reporting and the use of digital platforms, as well as get the chance to practice what you’ve learnt through internships and other professional activities.
Novel Writing
The path to becoming a successful novelist isn’t necessarily a well-trodden one, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. If you have an eye for detail and are willing to put in the hard work, you may just make it possible. Why not consider an MA in Creative Writing? You’ll be learning the craft of novel writing from some of the best teachers the industry has to offer; in addition to that, you’ll also be doing a lot of reading and getting the chance to pitch your work to some of the most famous publishers in the industry. This could be the perfect pathway for someone looking to make their writing dream come true.
Getting to Grips With The Basics
It’s incredible how much can change in just a few years. Back in 2015, if someone had told me I would one day be pursuing a career in academia, I would have thought them absolutely crazy. Not only would I have laughed, I would probably have told them to go commit suicide, because up until that point in my life, writing was something I did primarily for fun – it wasn’t even something I considered a viable career option. Now, however, the situation is completely different, and I can’t even imagine what my life would be like without this strange new calling.
As you can see, there are numerous options available to you when it comes to creative writing. It really is something to be excited about! If you’re passionate about writing and feel like you have what it takes, why not give it a try? You may just find that it’s the best fit for you and that you enjoy it more than you thought you would. Who knows – maybe one day, you’ll even feel like you were born to write…