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Home ยป How to Apply to PhD Programs in Creative Writing – A Complete Guide

How to Apply to PhD Programs in Creative Writing – A Complete Guide

When you have a true talent for writing, no matter what genre you choose, you’re bound to have countless opportunities presenting themselves. Whether you’re a published author looking for that next blockbuster novel or an Emmy-worthy TV writer seeking to make the leap to leading actor, there will always be plenty of work for you to choose from.

So if you’re looking to apply to a doctoral program in creative writing, here’s where you should start.

Decide Which Type Of PhD To Pursue

As with any other type of professional program, you’ll start by deciding which PhD program to apply to. The options for PhDs in Creative Writing range from traditional approaches such as literature and linguistics to newer specialties like performance poetry and screenwriting. Within those broad areas, you’ll find specific focuses such as narrative theory, cultural studies, or film studies. Alternatively, you could combine several areas of study and build a completely new PhD program around an interdisciplinary approach. Think outside of the box and you might just end up creating something fresh and exciting that will make your professors and advisors sit up and take notice.

Find The Right Place For Graduation

As with any type of graduate study, your next step is to look for the right place to complete your PhD. The most obvious choice would be to do your research at a university, but it’s not always the most practical or financially viable option. The best places to do your research are usually found within a library setting. A couple of the perks of doing your Doctorate at a library are that you’ll have access to tons of manuscripts, books, and other sources of information that you could use for your research. You also have the option of doing your thesis work at a prestigious research university or at a less traditional but more reputable institution.

How To Approach An Advisor

Once you’ve decided where you’ll do your research, the next step is to approach an advisor. Your advisor will be a faculty member at your chosen institution and will be a great source of guidance and support throughout your PhD program. In order to make the most out of your advisor, you should approach them using a strategy called ‘prospecting’. This involves using various tactics and methods to find the best possible outcome from your advisor. For example, you might want to ask them questions about their area of study, give them ideas for future research, or even help them locate a potential job or funding for their research. Be sure to put yourself in your advisor’s shoes for a moment and ask yourself what you would want from them as a prospective advisor. Decide what you want as a result of this interaction and go from there. Remember: you’re approaching an advisor to get help, not to give them help. You’re the one with the problem, not them!

Find Out How PhD Funding Works

Another important consideration when applying for a PhD program is understanding how PhD funding works. Typically, you’ll need to submit an application for financial support and then hope that the money comes through. There are plenty of opportunities out there for PhD students, but getting funding can still be a challenge. The best advice for students looking for financial support is to get as much applied for as possible. The more applications you submit, the better your chances are of getting funding. Even if you don’t get any money, you’ll still have the satisfaction of knowing that you tried your hardest.

Things To Include In Your Application

With any type of formal application, including a PhD application, you’ll need to include a number of particulars. These include your resume, transcripts, and any other materials that could be helpful. When it comes to your resume, make sure that it’s updated and that you include all of your relevant experience. If you’re still living at home, include a letter explaining your situation. Remember: applications are usually judged on their own merits and are not always swayed by financial concerns. Try to make the most of your talents and use your education to your advantage.

Where Do I Apply?

With so much information to consider, where do you begin? The best place to start is the internet. While there are plenty of useful resources available online, nothing beats actually going through the process and seeing what works best for you. Begin by searching for PhD programs in creative writing. Next, identify the universities that suit your needs and then look for the course listings or the application forms. Once you have those, you can move on to the next step.