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The How-Tos of Great Copywriting

For those who want to become great copywriters, there are several tried and tested ways to do it. One of the best tips is to simply copy what others have already done. You can start by taking note of other successful copywriters’ techniques and then incorporate these into your own writing.

Study The Craft

To begin with, you need to study the craft of copywriting. This means learning the terminology, the general approach, and all the essential principles involved. One of the best places to start is with a copywriting course from a reputable institution. You can then proceed to read widely, both in and out of class, and keep your ear to the ground, listening to, and imitating, the greats. You would be surprised how much you can learn by simply copying what you have heard and seen.

Know What You’re Copying

When you’re writing content for ads or web pages, it’s almost always a good idea to give the piece an engaging title. When your viewer or reader is presented with lots of content on a single page, they will skim over it if it’s not interesting or appealing. Giving your piece a catchy title makes it easy for them to find what they’re looking for. Once they’ve found it, they’ll then read the piece in its entirety.

Use Language That The Audience Understands

In general, the simpler the better. It’s always better to write in your own words, rather than someone else’s. When writing for an international audience, however, you might want to use understandable language. Try to keep your vocabulary as simple as possible, using everyday words and phrases. The simpler your writing, the more you will be understood. If you’re writing for experienced SEO’s, you might want to drop a few of the Silicon Valley jargons you’re probably so used to.

Consult With An Expert

Even for those who want to write an article themselves, it’s often a good idea to get expert help. Even the best of us can get stuck on certain topics or concepts. Having someone else review your work can often point out areas where you might have misinterpreted the information, or where you can better express yourself. When you’re dealing with sensitive material, it’s also a good idea to have an expert look it over before posting. No one is an expert in everything and although you might be able to write on the topic yourself, it might not be the best idea to do so. Only you know how you’ll react to the information and whether or not it’s something you’ll be able to bring yourself to write about. In some topics, you might not even be able to discuss with your best friend without feeling emotional about it. An expert can help you navigate these waters and offer advice on how to approach the topic while still maintaining your objective viewpoint.

Don’t Forget About The Benefits

When writing for free, it’s important to remember that you’re not writing for an audience. You’re writing for yourself, or for those who want to read your work. In these cases, the simpler the better. It’s also advisable to write for a lot of different platforms. Although you might be able to get your work published on one site, chances are it’ll be accepted on multiple others. Even if it’s not, at least you tried. In general, the more you can do to appear more widespread, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to attract more potential clients or subscribers.

Edit, Edit, And Then Edit Some More

Once you’ve finished your work, it’s a good idea to go back and edit it. This is especially important if you’ve written a long piece or a series of articles. After you’ve gone through it with a fresh set of eyes, you might notice things that you could have done better and possibly even things that you didn’t even think to call out. When you make these changes, you’re not actually rewriting the piece, but you’re polishing it and making it better. This is especially important if you’ve written something that you’ll eventually sell to a magazine or newspaper. While you might be able to get away with an article that’s only meant to be posted on a blog, the same can’t necessarily be said for something you’re planning to sell to a bigger platform. Bigger platforms might have tighter guidelines on what they’ll accept and you don’t want to end up in someone else’s inbox filled with complaints about clichéd storytelling or overused metaphors.

Follow The General Rules

When you’re first starting out as a copywriter, it’s important to keep in mind the general rules of thumb. Simply follow the guidelines provided by your preferred search engine, whether it’s Google or Bing. These are the guidelines that all the top platforms follow and you’ll most likely end up writing something that holds up under scrutiny. Sometimes you might have to play a little bit of detective, simply searching for the most popular words and seeing how others are using them. When you have a clear idea of how others are using these words in context, it’ll be much easier to choose your own variation. In these cases, originality isn’t necessarily the key – as long as you’re following the instructions, you’ll likely end up with something that is useful and engaging.

Avoid Plagiarism

Finally, it’s important to avoid plagiarism. Simply copy and paste another person’s work and you’re almost certainly going to wind up in trouble. There are several ways to check for plagiarism and the simpler the better. For those who want to write for free, it’s usually a good idea to look for articles that are already online and then simply cut and paste the relevant part of the article into your own work. In these cases, the simpler the better and it’s usually better to use a software tool to do the job for you or, at the very least, keep an eye out for instances of plagiarism. As a general rule, if you’re not sure whether or not something is plagiarism, it probably isn’t. If it is, however, you’re probably better off not doing it at all. The worst that can happen is that you waste some time removing it and then you have to rewrite it from scratch. In the grand scheme of things, this probably isn’t that big of a deal. Better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your work.

In Conclusion

To recap, if you want to become great at copywriting, simply follow these guidelines. Above all else, make sure to keep an open mind and be willing to learn from those who are better than you. Most importantly, make sure to have fun! Writing is a skill that you’ll use for the rest of your life and it’s important to keep that in mind. For those who want to write for free, make sure you keep your work simple, yet intriguing. Above all else, make sure you do your research and learn from those who are better than you. Never give up and remember to have fun!