You come across an idea for an article while reading a news magazine or browsing the internet, and you think “that’s an interesting perspective” or “that’s a good idea for an article”. Maybe you’ll even go on to write the article yourself. But then you discover that you need help, and you find an online writing center to guide you through the process. This blog post will go over how to effectively utilize an online writing center to create a well-written and compelling article to share with the world!
Find The Best Articles
The first step to getting quality content is to find the best articles. There are three basic guidelines that can help you find the best content to contribute to a writing center:
- The topic should be relevant to your audience
- The topic should be something that you’re passionate about
- The topic should be something that people are searching for
You may not always be able to follow these guidelines, but you can strive to do so. When thinking about which articles to submit, consider the following:
- How many articles have been published on the topic?
- How many articles have been published in the last year?
- How many monthly visitors does the site receive?
- What are the most frequent keywords used in the article’s content?
- What is the overall tone of the articles – are they informative, entertaining, or both?
- What makes this article special?
Make An Outline
An outline is very helpful when putting together an article. It helps you identify the major points you’ll make and the supporting evidence you’ll use. Having an outline also helps you determine how detailed each part of the article should be. To create an effective outline, start by identifying the main points you’ll make in the article. Next, make a list of the supporting evidence you’ll use to back up these claims. Once you have your main points and supporting evidence, you can begin to write the article. As you’re writing, think through what specific phrases and words you’ll need to use to make your points. You can also use your outline to help you determine how much space to give each part of your article. You don’t want to run out of space because you were unable to fit everything you have to say into the allotted amount of words!
An outline also helps you determine the flow of the article and whether you need to provide additional information or examples to make your point. Sometimes it’s difficult to begin writing an article without knowing exactly what it’s going to be about. Having an outline in advance can help prevent you from writing something that doesn’t flow well or doesn’t make complete sense. Make sure to follow the outline carefully, making only necessary changes as you go along. It’s also a good idea to read what you’ve written out loud to get a sense of how the flow of the article sounds and to find any mistakes you might have made along the way. Once you’ve finalized your article, be sure to read it through a few times to ensure everything makes sense and is clearly communicated.
Get Feedback
Even if you write the best article ever, someone else might not agree. That’s why it’s a good idea to get feedback from others. You can do this in a number of ways, with individuals giving you feedback or by participating in online forums where you can get feedback from others who have shared similar experiences to yours. There are pros and cons to both options, so think about what’s best for you.
Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarism is when you use material from another source without giving proper credit. If you do happen to use some copyrighted material, it’s essential that you do so correctly. You don’t want to put yourself at risk of legal action by oversimplifying someone else’s work or by using their exact words without properly citing the source. Seek out the author’s permission before you post anything, and don’t forget to cite your sources!
This may seem like a lot of work, but the benefits of writing professionally far outweigh any minimal effort you put in. You’ll be able to look back on your article one day and feel proud of what you’ve accomplished. And when that happens, you’ll know that all the hard work was well worth it!