There’s no question that pictures are important. Our brains are more likely to retain information when presented with visual cues, and this is certainly reflected in digital marketing. This course, which covers everything from the basics of copywriting to the intricacies of designing a marketing campaign, is enhanced by engaging images that drive the content forward.
The Importance Of Pictures In Copywriting
For centuries, writers have used pictures in their copy to grab readers’ attention. In fact, the earliest known examples of using images in text come from a Chinese encyclopedia that dates back to the 14th century. It was originally written in pictograph (characters drawn in pictures) and then translated into Latin script (letters, numbers, and symbols) in the 17th century.
The English writer William Caslon even used an illustration in his influential 1766 book, The English Dictionary, to define a word he coined: “illlustration,” or “the use of illustrations in writing for the sake of grace and effect.”
So, even back then, the importance of images in writing was accepted—and promoted—by word of mouth and print media. But it wasn’t until the early 20th century that the practice really took off.
New magazines like Life and Look began popularizing the practice of using images in text, and writers like William Strunk and Max Beer continued this trend. Around this same time, the rise of mass communication led to a newfound appreciation for the power of images. Advertisements, magazines, and books all began to feature larger and more vibrant imagery because it was easy and cost-effective to print in color at the time. And, of course, the invention of the printed circuit board allowed for the creation of multi-media campaigns.
Today, we’re no longer limited to using just words to communicate with people. With so much imagery available, from social media to web banners to email marketing campaigns, every facet of marketing—including copywriting—is being enhanced by engaging images.
Why Should You Learn Copywriting?
With so much emphasis placed on copywriting in today’s world, it’s important to understand what the practice entails and why it’s so valuable. In short, copywriting is the branch of marketing that focuses on the written word—including things like advertisements, brochures, and sales letters—and how it impacts the reader. As a copywriter, you’ll be responsible for coming up with compelling copy that is easy to understand and memorable.
In today’s digital era, customers have more access to information than ever before. So, if you want your product or service to be found, you’ll need to make sure that it is presented in the most appealing way possible via online channels.
This is primarily where your copy comes into play. It is your chance to pull on your keyboard and whip up some impressive prose that will encourage readers to pick up your product. While it’s great to have a talented voice speaking directly to the audience, words alone often aren’t enough anymore. You’ll need an effective combination of words and images to make your messages stand out and drive home your point. In a nutshell, copywriting is about using words and pictures to communicate an idea or message.
The Basics Of Copywriting
To get started, you’ll need the basics of copywriting. This includes everything from learning the alphabet to grasping the basic sentence structure and using appropriate punctuation. Luckily, you don’t have to be a genius to succeed. With just a little bit of effort, you’ll be able to craft professional-looking emails that will engage your subscribers and convince them to take action.
Even new writers can have a productive writing career if they approach it systematically. For example, you could start by identifying your target audience and deciding how you will pitch your product or service to them. Then, you could utilize tools like Persona to help you find the right words and phrases to make your point. Through a series of questions, Persona will help you identify the primary themes that will guide your writing.
Once you have your themes lined up, you can start to develop specific strategies for each of them. For example, maybe you will need to do some A/B testing to see which headline attracts the most people and, consequently, gets the most clicks. Or, you may want to compare the effectiveness of different versions of a text string to see what resonates with your audience most.
To get the most out of this course, it’s important to approach it as a beginner would. That is, you shouldn’t expect to become a master copywriter overnight. Like any other new skill, you’ll likely need to put in the training to learn the ropes and understand how things work. This won’t be easy, but with consistent effort, you’ll be able to produce quality work that will speak for itself.
Advanced Copywriting Techniques
Once you’ve gotten the basics down, you can begin to take your copywriting to the next level. With a little bit of effort, you can master many of the more advanced copywriting techniques that will help you write effective ads, brochures, and sales letters. Here are some of the things you’ll learn:
- The elements of a good composition
- Types of headlines
- How to write an effective call to action
- How to write a winning sales pitch
- How to structure a winning advertisement
- How to write a winning brochure
- How to write a winning sales letter
- Types of phrases and keywords that influence search engine results
- How to write a press release
- How to write an effective email marketing campaign
- How to write blog posts that will attract web traffic
- How to write an academic paper
- Topics to avoid, and how to identify them
- How to write an effective resume
- Where to find copywriters for hire
To take advantage of all these advanced techniques, you’ll need to invest in some software that can help you manage projects, create wireframes, and organize your ideas. Some of the top choices in this category are Balsamiq Mockups, Framer, and ProtoType.
As a copywriter, you’ll most likely be called on to take an idea and flesh it out into a written form. It’s common for writers to become frustrated because they feel that their work is never appreciated. But, even though writing can be quite a passion-killer, it’s important to remember that your work will only be valued if you’re able to demonstrate your value. In other words, you’ll need to prove that you can do the job effectively. In the end, that’s all that matters.