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Home » How to Write Online for Free That Does Not Save What You Write

How to Write Online for Free That Does Not Save What You Write

You have a great idea for an article. You’ve been struggling with writer’s block for weeks, and now you have finally found a topic that you think will help countless people. You’ve been thinking about it ever since, and now it is finally done. You’ve just finished writing the article, and you’re pleased with how it turned out. You think to yourself, “This is going to be great. People are going to love it.”

You post the article on social media, and your followers and friends start commenting and sharing the article. You quickly hit over a hundred likes on your Facebook post, and over sixty comments. Everyone seems to be reacting well to the article, and you begin to wonder if you actually wrote something worthwhile.

You log back in a couple of days later, and refresh your page. To your disappointment, the “popular” article is no longer shown. Instead, you see a note at the top of your page, written in a different font and in smaller text:

“Sorry, something is wrong with this article. Would you like to try another one?”

You are completely unaware of what happened, and you continue to publish articles, thinking that you are going to continue to see praise and engagement for your content.

What happened was that someone—maybe a software bot, maybe a human, maybe a mixture of both—clicked on the article and bought it. They gave it five stars, and shared it on social media, generating a lot of attention and engagement for the content. While you were writing about how to write an article for free, the article you wrote was actually earning you money through affiliate marketing. This is called “Write for Free, Earn Money”, or WLAME for short.

The Biggest Problem With WLAME

First of all, let’s be clear: this is not a bad idea. In fact, it is a great idea. The article you wrote was very helpful, and lots of people came away from it better equipped to write and to earn online. However, not having full control over what happens to your article after you write and publish it is a huge problem. In most cases, you will never know how or why your article was “claimed” by someone, or why it suddenly disappeared after you posted it. In some cases, this might even happen without you knowing anything about it. It is important to keep in mind that any of your articles that generates revenue is considered “claimed”, and you will never be able to publish that article again without giving the writer or publisher credit, even if it’s just a few cents or a dollar.

How To Write An Online Article That Generates Revenue

There are many different methods that you can use to make money online without having to run a business, or without having to try and build a brand. You can get paid to write articles and blog posts for other companies, or you can become an affiliate marketer, promoting products that offer to pay you commissions for each sale you generate. You can use a tool like Google Adsense to get started as an affiliate marketer. You’ll simply need to create a small website or blog around an affiliate product that you are promoting, and you’ll start earning money passively, without having to do much else.

Now, let’s say that you decide to write an article for someone. Maybe you’ve been asked by a company to write an article explaining how to be an effective leader, or how to negotiate better, or how to motivate employees. You’ve been thinking about this topic for a while, and after a few weeks of research and preparation, you are finally ready to write the article.

You post it online, and almost immediately, you start to receive notifications that your article has been “claimed” by someone. In most cases, this will happen without you knowing anything about it. All you will know is that somebody has posted something online that has been helpful to them, and that they have decided to give you credit for it.

Now, let’s say that this article earns you $100. You actually wrote an excellent article, and while you were waiting for it to be claimed, you were able to generate $100 in affiliate sales, which you will get paid for. You are now able to publish this article again, under the same name, and the person who “claimed” it and shared it on social media will not even know that this article was previously published. You can do this as long as you want, and you can continue to earn revenue from this article, allowing you to write more and to earn more. In the end, you have created a small passive income stream, simply by writing for other companies.

The Pros And Cons Of WLAME

Let’s examine the advantages and disadvantages of WLAME. On the plus side, it is a great way to make money online without having to create or build a brand. You are essentially getting paid to write, and you can decide how fast or how slow you want to write. You can also decide whether you want to focus on just product reviews, or whether you want to become an expert in a certain field and write about that as well. In most cases, you will not have to worry about whether or not people are going to “claim” your work, since it will be claimed automatically. You will receive your payment quickly, and you can decide to stop writing whenever you want.

Obviously, this is a great option for people who are looking for ways to make money online without a specific product or service to promote. If you’re looking for short-term bursts of web income, or are just looking for something simple to do, this is a great choice. In most cases, you will be able to find numerous companies, products, and services that you can promote and earn money from.

On the downside, since this is automated and happens without your direct input, it is a little less risky than other methods of making money online. Sometimes you might not know why or how your article was “claimed” by someone, and there is always the possibility that what you wrote was not as good as you thought it was going to be. In most cases, you will never know if what you wrote was actually useful or beneficial to the person who read it, since they do not need to tell you why they liked something or bought something. This is why it is important to always be transparent about what your articles are and are not doing for your blog or website. Additionally, you never know what kind of scam artists and spammers might be trying to trick or cheat you. Always be wary of any offers that seem too good to be true, and try to find other sources of information instead.

The Risk Of “Write for Free”

One of the more significant downsides of “write for free” is the risk of getting stuck with low-quality content. Although there are various legitimate ways to make money online, there are also a lot of scammers and spammers who are looking to take advantage of people who are looking for ways to make money online. In most cases, if you write for free for a company, product, or service that you don’t believe in, you are putting yourself at risk of being tricked or taken advantage of.

To give you some peace of mind when considering “write for free”, here are some things you can do to minimize your risk: