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How to Learn to Write English

Have you ever thought about writing your novel or short story? Have you ever considered that learning to write could be fun and exciting? There are plenty of ways for you to learn how to write, and it doesn’t have to be difficult. In this article, we’ll give you some helpful tips on how to learn to write English, including some tips on how to write a short story.

Find Your Muse

When it comes to writing, some people prefer to use their minds, while others prefer to use their hands. You can start by finding your creative side. If you tend to use your mind, then you can try taking a creative writing course in college. Or, you can join a writers’ group or society, to find like-minded individuals with whom you can share your writing journey.

When it comes to using your hands to write, you can practice on your own. There are plenty of ways to make sure your handwriting is perfect, so that when you do sit down to write, the words flow perfectly. You can also find a typing tutor and take a course, or ask a family member or friend to help you improve your typing speed and accuracy. You don’t necessarily need to have perfect handwriting to be able to write, but it certainly helps.

Take A Short Story Writing Class

One of the great things about learning to write is that you get to explore a variety of styles and methods. You can choose from a short story, a novella, or even a novel, to write in, so long as you find the one that suits you best. If you’re just getting started, then opt for a short story, as it’s easier to digest in one sitting and there are plenty of helpful tips and tricks to be learnt within the constraints of the form. If you’re at all unsure about where to start your writing journey, then why not take a short story writing class, where you’ll get support and feedback from both your tutor and classmates?

Get A Group Of Friends Together

Another good idea is to get a group of friends together to help you write. This can be either online or face to face, depending on your preference. The great thing about getting a group of friends together is that they can help you find the plot, and even give you some ideas for your own story. Brainstorm ideas with your friends, and see what turns up. If you have a spare bedroom, you can even use it as an office, where you can work on your novel or short story, and allow your friends to shower you with praise and admiration as you bring your work in to be critiqued.

There are plenty of ways for you to learn to write English, including with a tutor, a friendly critique group, or even a pen pal from the UK. Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, it’s all about finding the right approach for you.