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Home ยป How Writing Your PhD Thesis Can Keep You From Getting a Post-Graduate Job Opportunity

How Writing Your PhD Thesis Can Keep You From Getting a Post-Graduate Job Opportunity

The PhD thesis is often seen as the capstone of a scientific career. It is the culmination of a person’s studies towards a doctorate and represents their entire research and publication record. It is thus a fantastic opportunity for those looking to build their professional network and establish their expertise.

That said, it doesn’t come without its challenges. Chief amongst these is the problem of how to write your PhD thesis. The last thing you need if you’re looking for a job is a poorly written, unstructured PhD thesis; this is even more of a problem if you’re applying for a teaching position as it will make your job application untenable. So if you’re looking for a post-graduate job opportunity, here are some useful tips on how to write the PhD thesis so that you can best present your expertise to potential employers.

Get Research And Publishing Interests In Focus

In order to best represent yourself as a job candidate, it is essential that your PhD thesis is as closely aligned as possible with your academic interests. One of the primary ways in which your PhD thesis will be assessed is through the comparison of your proposed research and publication record with that of other candidates who have likewise applied for the position. You don’t want to under any circumstance end up in a situation where your thesis is seen as being of lesser value because it does not perfectly match the interests of the employer. Therefore, the first step to getting your PhD thesis published and in turn securing a job is to identify your central research questions, interpretations and conclusions. To this end, you will need to consider carefully the literature that is already available on your topic and what is yet to be published. You can also consult with experts in your field who can guide you towards the right direction for your project.

Determine The Structure Of Your PhD Thesis

A PhD thesis can vary widely in structure and design; however, there are some conventions that help make the process more accessible to students. The structure of your PhD thesis will depend on the length of your thesis and the guidelines set by your supervisor. If you’re writing your thesis according to the traditional format, then it’s a good idea to break it down into chapters which serve as logical building blocks. Each chapter should build on the previous one and introduce a new concept or proposition. Within each chapter, you should consider introducing a series of definitions, summaries and examples to make sure that everyone is following along easily. It is also essential that you use a logical and consistent format throughout your thesis. When writing, you should think in terms of what will make your thesis most accessible to your audience. There is no set formula for how many pages each chapter should be, but you should aim to have each one be no more than three to four pages in length. These are usually referred to as “manuscript pages”.

Have A Clear Project Purpose

The structure of your PhD thesis also depends on the overall purpose that you are trying to achieve with your project. For instance, if you are researching the effects of low testosterone on the central nervous system, then your project purpose will most likely be to establish whether or not there are any differences in the way in which men and women process information within their brains. However, if your purpose is to understand the effects of trauma on the developing brain, then your project structure will likely involve a greater degree of interdepartmental interaction and the use of emerging technologies like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) which can detect subtle changes in the brain that occur as a result of stress.

Make Abstracts Available

Abstracts for your PhD thesis serve as a summary of what you’ve written in your thesis. If your thesis is of acceptable quality, then you should be able to use the existing abstracts as a template for your own. In some cases, you may also need to write a new abstract for your thesis as it will not match that of your existing publications.

Format Your PhD Thesis For Digital Distribution

If you’re looking to get your PhD thesis published, then you should consider looking into publishing it digitally. There are many benefits to distributing your PhD thesis digitally. Not only does it ensure that you have a copy for yourself but also that you can make your thesis available to a broader audience through e-books or databases. Once you’ve formulated your thesis to the desired extent, you can use a tool like Word to format it for easy reading by digitally distributing it to your supervisor, professor or advisor for comment. In addition, you can use the same tool to create a copy for your fellow students or post-doctoral fellows who will be assisting you in the preparation of your PhD thesis.

Consider The Importance Of Language

Another thing to keep in mind while writing your thesis is the importance of language. Even if you’re writing in English, you should consider how others in your field will perceive your work. You should avoid using colloquialisms and slang as these are often the cause of misinterpretation by the reader. If there is any possibility that your thesis can be interpreted differently by a reader who does not share your same discipline or area of interest, then you should consider re-writing portions of your thesis in a more scholarly style. Remember: a bad translation can sometimes be worse than no translation at all. So, it is always better to have a native English speaker review your work and offer some suggestions on how to improve your paper.

The last thing you need if you’re looking for a post-graduate job opportunity is a poorly written, unstructured PhD thesis. So, if you’re looking for a post-graduate job opportunity, here are some useful tips on how to write the PhD thesis so that you can best present your expertise to potential employers.