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How to Write Your Ebook for Kindle

When it comes to self-publishing and digital distribution, many people think that the hardest part is writing the book. While writing a book can be an arduous process, it’s not the hardest part 😉 The hardest part is actually getting it published. To make things easier for you, we’ve put together a detailed guide on how to write your ebook for Kindle which shall make getting your book published much simpler. Whether you’re a seasoned author looking for new ways to reach readers or an entrepreneur wanting to become an author, this guide will help you along the way.

The Benefits Of Publishing Your Book On Kindle

As the name suggests, Kindle is a digital device that lets you read e-books. You can download any book on Kindle and read it on the device itself. The best part is that you don’t need to have the book in digital format to read it on Kindle. You can simply borrow a Kindle from a friend or read public domain books all through public libraries. If you own a Kindle, you can even download free e-books from the Kindle library directly to your device.

There are several advantages to publishing your book on Kindle. To start with, Kindle is the most popular digital book platform among consumers. More than 700 million Kindle books have been downloaded so far. Even if you’re publishing a children’s book, you’ll likely reach more readers on Kindle than any other platform.

Secondly, the process of getting your book published on Kindle is very streamlined. All you need is a good idea, an appropriate writing style, and an eBook file. Once those three things are in place, the rest is automated. You’ll have a book in a few short hours. From there, all you need to do is market and promote your book like you would any other product.

The Difference In Quality

One of the most compelling reasons to publish your book on Kindle is the quality difference between the output. Let’s compare it to other popular digital book platforms for this very purpose. On one hand, you’ve got the Nook which requires an Android or iOS device to operate. In addition, you need to download a specific app to read Nook eBooks. On the other hand, you’ve got the Kindle which can be operated with just about any device, including smartphones and tablets. Not only that, you simply download the free Kindle app from the app store and start reading books.

As you might imagine, the quality of the book is much higher on the Kindle. First off, the screen is significantly larger. It’s easier to highlight and navigate sections of the text. In addition, the screen is much easier to read on. Text isn’t pixelated or blurry as it is on Nook. The contrast is also much higher between light and dark text. This makes it much easier to read in direct sunlight. At the end of the day, the simple fact that you can use any device to read the book makes it much easier to gain access to a larger audience. If you’re writing for children or adults with visual impairments, the Kindle is certainly a worthwhile choice.

Create A Bestseller

If you’ve ever tried self-publishing, you’ll know that the hardest part isn’t writing the book. It’s marketing and monetizing the book. This is where most authors lose steam and give up. Fortunately for you, we’re here to help. Creating a bestseller isn’t as difficult as you’d think. All you need is a good idea, an appropriate marketing strategy, and a reliable publishing platform. With those three things in place, you’ll be on your way to author stardom.

To begin with, pick a market segment that is either underserved or unfamiliar to you. For example, if you’re an entrepreneur who wants to write a business book, try and find an interest group of people who may not have found the comfort of a professional mentor. Or, if you’re a parent who wants to write a book for kids, try and find an area of interest that your kids aren’t yet familiar with. Choosing A Niche (Niche = a small market or segment in which you can stand out) is critical to your book’s success. When picking a niche, you want to find a market that is smaller than you, but larger than your competition. There are a few rules of thumb when picking a niche:

  • It should be a small market, meaning there aren’t a lot of authors in your niche. If someone is already dominating the niche, it can be difficult to gain recognition.
  • It should be a blank slate, meaning there are no preconceived notions about your chosen topic within the niche. This makes it easy for you to break new ground and offer unique perspectives on your topic.
  • There should be variety within the niche. If you pick an area that is overly dominated by one viewpoint, it can be difficult for your book to stand out. If possible, you want to pick a topic that has several distinct perspectives so that your book can offer something new to the table.
  • Avoid choosing a niche that is already well-covered in a blogosphere or similar mediums. Once you’ve chosen a niche, take a good hard look at the existing content to see if there’s anything that will hinder your book’s success.
  • To create a bestseller, you need to have a marketing plan. Just because you’ve got a good idea for a book doesn’t mean that everyone will automatically buy it. You need to research the market and figureheads in your niche so that you can target your marketing efforts.
  • To create a bestseller, you need to monetize your idea. Just because you’ve got a good idea for a book doesn’t mean that it’s worth money. Like anything else in life, the key to making money with an eBook is to sell as many copies as you can.
  • To create a bestseller, you need to be selective about the platforms you use. The more you spread your content on, the more your content is likely to be garnering revenue, but also the more likely it is to be diluted. The key to making money with an eBook is to be found on the most popular platforms. You don’t want to spread yourself too thin by publishing on a hundred different platforms.
  • To create a bestseller, you need to specialize in one area. Just because you’ve got a good idea for a book doesn’t mean that you need to become an expert in every subject. If you can achieve specialization, it can be easier to find your audience, and easier to monetize your content. If you do become an expert in a few specific areas, it can also make you a more attractive hire for future projects.

Get Expertise

If you’re reading this, I assume that you’ve got at least a passing interest in self-publishing. If not, I suggest you read this entire guide and come back for additional assistance. While writing a book can be an arduous process, the actual publishing is where the rubber meets the road. In this section, we’ll go over some of the things that you need to know, whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting out.

  • How To Publish A Book
  • What’s The Difference Between Print On Demand And Distributed Marketing?
  • How To Monetise Your Book
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