Science fiction and fantasy are very popular genres for books, movies, and TV shows, and for good reason: they allow us to imagine wonderful worlds and travel to them! But what does that really mean? How do I write science fiction/fantasy – and can someone else even read my work? Let’s have a look.
Choose A Genre
As we’ve established, science fiction and fantasy are popular because they give us the freedom to imagine fantastic places and worlds. But it doesn’t stop there. When choosing a genre, make sure to consider the world that you want to create and the type of stories that you will tell within it. There are six distinct genres associated with science fiction and fantasy, and to tell you the truth, it can be pretty hard to fit all of them into one novel. The best plan is to focus on just a few and combine the rest with flashbacks or side stories. In addition, bear in mind that most readers won’t have the same perspective as you and might not appreciate all the subtle references to current events or pop culture that you include for the world that you’re imagining. Lastly, be wary of cliches. While many authors try to avoid them, you’ll inevitably fall into the trap if you don’t know better. Do your best to create a world that is original and packed with interesting characters.
Set The Tone
There is a reason why science fiction and fantasy are popular: they give us the chance to explore new things and imagine new worlds. If you want this to be reflected in your work, you need to provide the backdrop and establish the atmosphere for it to take place in. This means that you, as the author, have the last word on what takes place in your story. This isn’t to say that your readers won’t have ideas or suggestions, but it’s up to you to make the final call on what happens next. Take advantage of this power responsibly and don’t give your readers a reason to complain. For example, if you’re writing a fantasy novel and decide that magic is a major element in your story, don’t just sprinkle in a few magic tricks here and there. Instead, define and establish magic as a core part of your story from the very beginning. Doing this will raise the bar for your readers and give them a reason to get excited about your story. Finally, ensure that the universe that you’ve created is consistent and makes sense within the context of your tale. This will help to ground the reader in reality and stop the story from feeling chaotic. It’s often said that science fiction is the literature of our time, and it’s easy to see why. It gives us the freedom to explore new ideas and look at the world in a different light. What’s more, it provides us with a way to imagine wonderful worlds that we might one day visit. Who knows? Maybe one day we’ll all be sailing off to the stars on a magical unicorn ship.