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How to Write Creative Writing for Beginners

Many people think that creative writing is a gift that is given to you at birth. However, this could not be further from the truth. Anyone can learn to write creatively, and with practice, they may even become a proficient writer. The following article will teach you the basics of creative writing so that you can produce original work and impress your friends and society at large with your creative writing skills.

Start Small

In order to learn to write creatively, you need to start small. Even experienced writers must constantly refresh themselves on the basics, so starting small will help you establish a solid foundation before attempting larger projects. If you are looking for an easy way to earn some extra cash, why not consider taking on a virtual assistant gig? You can find many articles online describing how to become a virtual assistant, so you have all the information you need to get started. For $16/hour, you can help business owners to run their daily operations and grow their companies. You will be doing a valuable service for people who need help with their day-to-day tasks, and in turn, you will be providing them with invaluable knowledge.

Get Inspired

In order for your writing to be considered creative, it must be unique and of high quality. To get inspired, you should consider the types of stories and novels that have influenced you, and strive to emulate these qualities in your own writing. The following websites are a great place to find inspiration, as they feature writers from all over the world and offer an abundance of writing prompts. For instance, if you want to write a story about romance, you can look through Love Story or Casanova. If you want to write about adventure, you can look through Lord of the Rings or Percy Jackson. If you want to write historical fiction, you can look through The Scarlet Pimpernel or Anne of Green Gables. Remember, your writing should be original and of high quality, so be sure to keep this in mind while you are inspired.

Develop A Routine

In terms of creative writing, there is no royal road. Just like any other skill or talent, you will only get better with practice. However, much like with any other skill or talent, there are certain routines and habits that will make you a better writer. The following are some of the things that you should do to ensure that your writing is of the highest quality.

  • For each piece of writing that you do, you should set aside at least three hours. Do not worry about being efficient or productive during this time. Simply set aside the time that you know is necessary and required, and do not worry about the rest. The more you practice, the better you will get at estimating the correct amount of time that is necessary for a particular piece of work. When you consistently underestimate the time that is required, you will begin to produce over-drafts, which will ultimately lead to massive amounts of wasted time. It is therefore essential that you establish and keep a healthy routine when it comes to writing.
  • In terms of grammar, you should definitely be thinking about correct tense usage and sentence structure, but you should also be mindful of how you are writing. If you are using a dictionary to look up words that you do not know, then you are probably displaying an inefficient use of English. Instead of relying on a dictionary, you should try to learn to think in ‘sentences.’ For example, instead of saying ‘the dog barked,’ you should say ‘the dog barked,’ or ‘the dog barked loudly.’ These are both grammatically correct ways of saying the same thing, and it is totally dependant on your tone and style whether you should say ‘barked’ or ‘barked loudly.’ The same goes for the other tenses and structures. While you should certainly be checking your work for grammar, you should aim to write in a way that is as natural and unedited as possible. The following websites are great for grammar and style corrections:
    • Grammarly (for grammar and style suggestions)
    • Fluency (for phrases and words that you should avoid using)
    • Language Log (for the correct usage of specific English words)
    • Acer Aspire (for suggestions on how to improve your writing)

    Avoid Distractions

    It is very easy to get distracted by the internet while you are writing, especially if you allow your mind to wander. If you find that you are getting distracted by something while you are writing, then simply close your laptop or put it away and get back to work. It is very easy to become absorbed in something on the internet and forget about the task at hand. If you want to be a better writer, you need to avoid these distractions and focus solely on your work. If there is something that you feel is important that you have to get done, then you should absolutely do it, but you should not allow yourself to be sidetracked by anything else.

    Work On Your Craft

    In order to write creatively, you must first and foremost be a good writer. To do this, you need to work on your craft. The best way to improve your craft is by reading lots of great works and comparing yourself to the masters. There are many great books out there that will help you improve your writing, and hopefully, one day, you will even be able to name a few of them. In terms of comparing yourself to the masters, there is no better place to start than here on Writers’ Bloc. This site is an online community of creative writers who are more than happy to help each other improve their craft. In addition to the great articles that are featured on the site, you will also find a fantastic forum where you can meet and talk to other writers who are also looking to improve their craft.

    Be Critical

    To be a good writer, you need to be a good reader. This means that you must be able to identify and appreciate great writing when you come across it, regardless of whether you are writing for pleasure or for profit. When you are writing for pleasure, you should absolutely enjoy yourself while writing, but you should also remember that there are people out there who might read your work and offer their opinions about it. In order to establish yourself as a critical reader, you need to be able to put yourself in the shoes of the writer, as it were. If you find that you are not enjoying what you are writing, then you should probably stop and rework it until you can. If, on the other hand, you are finding it easy to write and you are not quite sure why you have been given this talent, then you should absolutely write about it. The only thing you should avoid is saying that you hate your job. Instead, you should aim to find the beauty in it all and see the good in your situation. This will ultimately make you a better writer, and it is definitely something to aim for.

    As you can see, there is no single formula for becoming a better writer. Instead, it is a matter of constant readying yourself for the next step forward. With practice, your craft will only get better, and before you know it, you will be able to produce excellent work and impress your friends and society at large with your creative writing skills.