The fashion industry thrives on marketing and advertising, especially online. But how do you stand out from the crowd? How do you grab a reader’s attention and keep them coming back for more?
The answer is content marketing. It’s about using content to attract, engage, and retain customers. But what exactly does that mean for you as a fashion blogger or website owner?
In today’s world, consumers have enough choice that competition is high. To succeed, you need to differentiate yourself from the competition and prove your value to potential clients. One of the ways to do this is through copywriting. What is copywriting, you ask? Let’s find out.
What is Copywriting?
Copywriting is the art of converting dull content into something engaging. Sometimes that means pulling a quote from a revered source, sometimes it means weaving intricate narratives, and sometimes it means combining the two.
It can be as short as a few lines or it can be as long as a couple of pages. It can be presented as an email or it can be incorporated into a blog post.
When done well, copywriting can be extremely effective. According to HubSpot Blogs research, 71% of consumers feel strongly motivated to learn more about a brand or business after reading an engaging piece of copy.
Engagement and motivation are two elements that make up this element of a brand’s marketing mix. When executed well, copywriting can help drive customers to take action and find out more about a brand or business.
Why Should You Care About Copywriting?
If you’re reading this, you probably already know the importance of SEO (search engine optimisation) and content marketing.
These are the two pillars of digital marketing and they should both be considered when creating content for your fashion blog or platform. But beyond that, you should care about copywriting because…
– Consumers are growing more sophisticated. They expect higher quality content.
Customers leave an average of 27.6 seconds on a website before they decide whether to buy a product or service. If you’re not capturing and holding their attention within those first 27.6 seconds, you’re losing out on a sale. (This is known as the ‘digital detox moment’.)
In the past, customers would read an article or watch an online video and then make a snap decision to buy what you’re promoting. Now, with consumers being so engrossed in their digital bubbles, they expect more from content creators. They want to feel that what they’re reading or watching impacts them on some level. They want the content to teach them something new or provide them with a new perspective. As a result, SEO and content marketing work in tandem to generate organic traffic – free, natural traffic that comes from search engines and social media.
When executed well, SEO and content marketing can help drive consumer interest and engagement to an extent that sparks a change in behaviour and subsequently generates sales.
How Can You Execute Copywriting For Fashion?
While SEO and content marketing are both important, they can only get you so far in today’s world. To see your content reach its full potential, you need to marry SEO and content marketing with different media. That’s where copywriting comes in. Your copy should be able to connect with your readers across devices and channels.
To achieve this, you need to create content for the following platforms:
- Websites
- Social media
- Email marketing
- PR
- Display advertising
- Online forums
- Video platforms (YouTube, Instagram, etc.)
- Word of mouth publicity
Now, it’s beyond the scope of this article to list out all the different platforms and types of content you need to create for each one. That’s why we’ve gone ahead and curated this list with the most useful links that will help you find the content and tools you need to get started.
Tools For Fashion Bloggers & Website Owners
The following tools will help you write engaging copy for fashion-related websites and blogs, either individually or in teams:
- Buzzword tool
- The Cleaner
- Grammarly
- Turnitin
- Mockgen
- Fluid tools
- Witmuse
- Pensiero
- Sumopo
- HubSpot Blogs
- Hootsuite
- Wistia
We’ve also included some helpful websites and blogs that can help you develop your copywriting skills and start your content marketing campaign: