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How to Write and Sell a Children’s Ebook with Songs

Looking for a new way to promote your children’s entertainer? Why not consider writing a children’s book, specifically for the e-reading market? There are plenty of traditional publishers out there who would love to put out a book for your kid, and with some creative marketing, you could probably get it into the hands of as many children as possible. Let’s take a look at how to write and sell a children’s ebook with songs.

The Goods

The first thing you will need is a good story. And by that, we mean an engaging tale that children of all ages will want to read. The best stories often contain a mix of both laughter and tears, leaving the reader feeling uplifted at the end. Write something that will make your audience feel connected to your content; the better the story, the more they will feel connected to it. The trick is to write something that is so good, that even the most stubborn adult will feel compelled to read it aloud to their children.

The Audience

Who is your audience? This is a question that you will need to answer before you start writing, otherwise, you will waste a lot of time flogging a horse that is trying to eat you. There are plenty of children’s books out there, and they all have one thing in common: they are all aimed at quite young children. So, it is unlikely that the books you will find on your e-reader’s shelves will be able to sell well to anyone other than the very young. If you want to write a book that will be cherished by parents and read aloud to their children for generations to come, then you need to consider writing a children’s book specifically for the e-reader market.

The Platform

The next thing to consider is the platform. Where will your book appear on the e-reader? This will be determined by the size of your target audience, so be sure to consider this when deciding what type of story you will write. There are plenty of places that parents can get their children’s content such as:

  • iTunes ((Children) (Elmo) (Censored) (6+) (Best for Kids))
  • Kobo ((Children) (Elmo) (Censored) (6+) (Best for Kids))
  • Nook ((Children) (Elmo) (Censored) (6+) (Best for Kids))
  • Pear ((Children) (Elmo) (Censored) (6+) (Best for Kids))

Each of these platforms offers something a little bit different, and with a little bit of research, you can probably find the best option for your product. These platforms are also the most popular places where children’s content appears, so you can be sure that there will be plenty of eyeballs on your book when you finally do release it.

The Special Features

Now that you have your story and your audience, you can move on to the exciting part: the special features. These are the things that will make your book different from other children’s books. The best children’s stories will always have something special about them; maybe they tell the story of a magical adventure or a tale of bravery. Regardless of what makes your book special, you will need to find a way to include some unique features that will make it stand out. Some examples of special features are:

  • Songs (Music and lyrics): Whether you use some of the most popular kid’s songs or you write your own melodies and lyrics, the better. Adding some original songs to your story will add a whole new dimension of entertainment; parents will love it and your children will have fun singing along.
  • Funny voices (Vocal recordings): Whether you use a famous voiceover artist or you find a talented family member to record some demos, kids will love watching animated characters speak live. This feature can be as simple as having a character pop up in a video window or as complex as having several characters converse with each other while you play the part of the audience.
  • Realistic drawings (Illustrations): Children like pictures, and adding some stunning illustrations to your book will make it come alive. Whether you draw the scenery yourself or ask a talented artist to come on board, the results will be spectacular.
  • Graphic novel format (Drawn comics): If your book is in the form of a traditional printed book, you can experiment with adding some graphic novel style artwork or even a few pages from a digital comic. This will be a unique way for your child to experience your story; they will feel like they are diving into a comic book and will have fun flicking through the pages as you read to them.
  • Enhanced eReading functionality (Interactivity): Your e-reader should be able to handle interactive elements seamlessly; anything that can be clicked on or touched should work perfectly, regardless of whether your device is in landscape or portrait mode. So, if you can find a way to integrate some interactive elements into your story, then you can be sure that your audience will love it.
  • Video format (Video plays): Whether you find a way to integrate a video into your book or you decide to create a short film as part of your special features, you can be sure that your children will love it. Varying video formats will add another level of entertainment to your story; if you can find a way to include a video that is fitting for your target audience, then you can be sure that they will stay interested throughout the entire reading process.
  • Apps (Apps): If you have an iPhone, iPad, or Android phone, you can take advantage of their enhanced eReading functionality and integrate some fun interactive features as part of your story. Writing an ebook for these devices makes it significantly easier to add interactive elements; there are plenty of apps designed for children which you can integrate into your story. Whether you decide to create an original story with some interactive features, or you find an existing app that you can incorporate into your book, your children will have fun playing along.

Once you have your story, you can move on to the last step: marketing. This is where the magic happens. You will need to get the word out about your book, and in today’s world, this is easier said than done. Fortunately, there are plenty of tactics that you can use to get the message out there about your product; these include: