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How to Write and Publish an Ebook

You have spent a long time planning and preparing your book. You made plenty of content available and edited the crap out of it. You did the project justice and now it’s done. You can’t wait to share your book with the world and make an impact.

So how do you go about publishing your book? You want to do this as successfully as possible, so here are some tried and tested tips on writing and publishing an ebook.

Choose Your Platform

There are lots of platforms out there, and while some are better suited than others to showcasing your ebooks, none are perfect. Each one has its perks and quirks. For example, Smashwords is great for indie authors because you can deploy your books to multiple stores, including Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and more. However, if you are a traditionally-published author who wants to reach an audience beyond your niche, you might want to consider moving towards a publishing platform designed for wider audiences, such as KDP. With KDP, you can maintain full ownership of your book, and create as many limited copies as you need for distribution.

It is crucial that you pick the right publishing platform for your book. If you do not, you could end up with something that does not function properly on a Kindle device or something that is completely incompatible with the Amazon Kindle platform.

Decide On A Cover Design

This is arguably the most important part of preparing your ebook for publication. After all, it is the first thing a potential reader will see, so you want to make sure that it does not leave a bad impression. Ideally, you want to find a cover artist who can breathe life into your book and help you promote it. It is also a good idea to work with a professional graphic designer who can help you make your book look as good as new.

As a writer, you have the task of creating a plot that is both interesting and engaging. Once you have done that, the designer will come in and take your words and turn them into art. For the best results, collaborate with the designer from the outset.

Get A Bookkeeper To Take Care Of The Numbers

If you are like most authors, you will not have the time or the know-how to handle the intricacies of bookkeeping. That is where a good bookkeeper comes in. A good bookkeeper can help you keep track of your finances, prepare your taxes, and ensure that your accounts are always up-to-date. They will also be able to provide you with informative and detailed reports at any time.

You should consider getting a bookkeeper to help you with your ebook. They can set you up with a books accounting system, and help you keep track of your income and expenses, as well as prepare your taxes. They can also help you verify your claims, ensure that you have not been over- or under-reported, and provide expert advice if you get audited by the IRS.

Choose A Professional-Looking Domain Name

Doing business online is a must these days. Just like traditional book publishing, the world of digital publishing is governed by SEO and domain authority. Your domain name is your book’s digital foot-soldier, and you want to make sure that it is easy to find and distinguishes itself from other books on the web. A good domain name will incorporate your main keywords, and have a reasonable amount of SEO juice.

If you are on a budget, do not expect to be spending lots of money on your domain name. It will still cost you, but it will not be a massive chunk of change. Think of your domain name as an investment, and you will not regret spending money on it.

Build A Community

You want to produce a quality product that will appeal to as many people as possible, and one of the best ways of doing this is by gathering a dedicated group of readers around your book. With social media platforms, it is a simple matter of creating engaging content, and encouraging people to share it. Once you have created a community, you can continue to engage with your readers, and provide them with valuable content that will further interest them in your books.

If you want to write an engaging book that will appeal to a wide audience, then you need to ensure that it is something that they will want to share with their friends. One way of achieving this is by creating a community around your book. You can reach out to other authors, bloggers, and publishers, and see if they would like to be involved with your project. By doing this, you can ensure that you will have a diverse group of experts and enthusiasts who will champion your book.

Keep Tight Controls On Your Work

As an indie author you may be used to diving in head first, and pulling creative writing wherever you may land. While this might be a great way to write – especially if you are passionate about the project you are working on – it can also land you in a lot of trouble. Before you publish your ebook, you should set up some form of quality control. This could be as simple as having a beta reader proofread the book, or more elaborate testing on different platforms and devices.

As a writer, you must understand that once your book is published, you no longer have control over how it will be received by the public. This is an important point to stress, as many writers find that their expectations change once their book is out there, and they start to believe that all bets are off.

While this might be the case for some books, it is essential that you retain a degree of control over your creation, otherwise you could find yourself in a bit of a pickle. Having control over your creation means that you can continue to shape it, and change it as you see fit. You can leave out sections, add more content, or remove content that you feel does not serve the story well. All of this can be done with careful planning, and a good deal of self-discipline.

Be Selective About The Content That You Publicize

Now, you might get all gushy about your book, and want everyone to know about it. However, this is a surefire way of destroying your efforts at gaining credibility and trust. If you want to be known for having a quality product, then you must be selective about the content that you promote. You should only actively push content that you feel is of high-quality, and relevant to your project.

If you are unsure of the relevancy of a particular piece of content, then you should probably avoid promoting it. You should be careful about falling into the trap of throwing everything you have at the wall, and seeing what sticks. By being selective, you will be able to promote content that is both relevant and high-quality.

Take Your Time

Unless you are sure about what you are doing, you should not rush into publishing your ebook. There are plenty of opportunities for writers and aspiring authors to get their work out there, and be successful. You do not need to rush, as you will only damage your chances of publication. Instead, take your time, and do your best to ensure that everything is done right.

Even though you might feel anxious about finally publishing your book, it will not do any good hurrying it. Take your time to make sure that everything is done correctly, and that you do not put yourself in a compromising situation. This is especially important if you are worried about securing high-quality artwork for the cover. Make sure that you leave enough time to market and promote your book.

Once you have followed these simple steps, you will have an ebook that is both legitimate and of high quality. You can then sit back and enjoy your newfound success.