The Kindle eBook publishing platform is incredibly popular – so much so that it arguably has it in for an easier life as a writer than litigating and transacting via email and written agreements.
It is a goldmine for writers, especially aspiring fiction authors, as it is extremely easy to get your books published and ready for sale on the Kindle store. And since the publishing process is so much smoother and less risky than the average literary contract, it’s an ideal platform for those seeking to expand their publishing horizons.
Choose A Market
The first thing you want to do if you are writing an eBook is to choose a market and figurehead. What is a figurehead? Well, in the world of ebook publishing, a figurehead is a brand that will be associated with your book, whether you use it or not. For example, Harry Potter is a brand that is associated with J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter book and movie series, but also appears in parallel stories by other authors and in unrelated novels.
If you want to write a fictional novel set in the world of Harry Potter, you wouldn’t settle for a boring literal transcription of the words ‘Harry Potter’. You would want to craft an eBook version of the series and include all the characters, places, and things associated with the Harry Potter brand to ensure that your book would be sold to the right audience.
The same goes for any other brand. If you are writing a business book, you may want to choose a figurehead that is associated with businesses or organizations that you profoundly belong to. For example, if you belong to the Royal Society of Literature and you want to write a business book about how to be a better writer, you may want to choose a figurehead of a literary society to ensure that your book is associated with a respected institution.
The Anatomy Of A Novel
A novel (or novellette) is a story written in a format of closer to a novel than a short story. In practice, most novels are between 20,000 and 40,000 words in length, although anything from a few short stories to a single novel can be found in the Kindle store. If you want to write a novel, you will need a computer and the Word processor program – not to mention the ability to write sentences that flow and are not too verbose.
When writing a novel, you will need to decide on a title and an abstract. The title is the part of the narrative that is read first, or in the case of a horror novel, the first few pages – the book’s table of contents. The abstract sets the scene for the reader, in a nutshell. The abstract is essentially a brief summary of the story’s plot, characters, and setting.
Don’t Forget The Mechanics
If you are writing a book for the Kindle store, you most certainly need to consider the mechanics of book publishing. There are several eBook formats, or modes of publication, that you will need to pick up on, if you want to craft a professional-looking eBook. If you are writing a fictional novel, you will need to decide on a form that best represents your talents and the nature of the story. Choose a format that fits your budget, has enough stability to be transferred to and from a Kindle, and that you can afford (or want to afford).
In addition, you will need to decide on a publication date. The easier you pick a publishing date to be, the more available your book will be for millenials and those in the know who want to read your work.
Final Word
Hopefully, this article has budged your curiosity into launching a book to read. Writing a book for the Kindle store is not as simple as it sounds, but with some threshold wires cut, you can be on your way to publishing a novel in the very near future.