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Home » How to Write and Publish Kindle Ebooks 2017

How to Write and Publish Kindle Ebooks 2017

Amazon Kindle is the best selling ebook reader on the market, with over 400 million copies sold worldwide. It’s safe to assume that someone out there loves reading books as much as we do. That’s why we’re so excited to introduce you to a new kind of storytelling: the Kindle ebook.

If you’ve ever shopped at, you know that they regularly update their Kindle line with new features and lower prices. One of the best things about the Kindle is that it offers a self-publishing platform at a reasonable price. You don’t have to be a professional writer to publish your work on Kindle – anyone can do it.

In this article, we’re going to tell you about the various steps you need to follow to write and publish a Kindle ebook. You’ll learn how to format your book according to Kindle requirements and how to upload your finished product to Amazon for review. Let’s get started.

Get A Bookkeeper

There are several benefits to setting up automated bookkeeping, and hiring a professional to help out is one of them. Having a bookkeeper will help you keep track of all your income and expenses, and ensure that you stick to your budget. Most companies that offer bookkeeping services also offer tax preparation, so it’s often easier to just opt for the bundle.

Get An Editor

While you’re at it, why not get the best of the best? You already know what a good editor can do for your work, so why not go the extra mile and get yourself an experienced literary editor? You’ll be glad you did. An editor can help you make your work as polished and professional as possible, while helping you avoid all the annoying mistakes that could otherwise render it unreadable. If you’re looking for an editor, try and find a company that offers good quality, affordable editing services. They may also be able to help with proofreading, so be sure to ask about that as well.

Set Up Shop

If you’re a pro at writing, you may want to consider taking advantage of the opportunity presented by Amazon’s Kindle platform. You can use this opportunity to get your books into the hands of millions of readers worldwide, and since it’s such an accessible and affordable option for self-publishing, it’s the perfect choice for budding authors. Once you’ve uploaded your work to Amazon, you’ll need to take care of a few more tasks:

Create An Overdraft Protection Plan

If you have a significant sum of money invested in your business, you may want to consider investing in overdraft protection for your business bank account. This option will protect you from spending more money than you have available in your account, by holding back some of your money before it’s accessed. You’ll get a business debit card that you can use at any merchant bank ATM, and the money will be debited from your account as soon as you make a purchase. This is a safe and convenient way to extend your funds and ensure that you don’t run out of money when you need it most.

Create Marketing Materials

Marketing materials are essentially everything you need to get the word out about your book. You’ve published your book, now you need to start marketing it. Luckily for you, we’re marketing experts. We’ve put together a list of top tips on how to market your ebook successfully. Check them out:

Put The Work In

One of the most important things you need to do as an indie author is to put the work in. If you want to see your book succeed, you need to be putting in the effort, both behind the scenes and in the market place. Behind the scenes, you’re going to need to be working hard to get the most out of your book. You don’t have the luxury of being passive when it comes to your work, you need to be putting in the hours to make sure that you’re presenting your best side to the world. In the market place, you need to be using all the right tools, including social media, to convince readers to pick up your book. If you want to create a buzz around your book, use social media to help get the word out. The internet is a powerful tool, and it’s often very helpful when it comes to self-publishing. When using social media to promote your work, make sure that you use keywords in your captions and hashtags in your posts. Using these keywords will make it much easier for people to find your content when they’re searching online. You can also ask readers to tag along on your adventures in social media. This will encourage them to do so, and it will give your book more exposure. 

Build Trust

Now that you’ve put the work in and published your book, the next step is to earn the trust of your customers. If you want to be able to sell your book, you need to gain their trust, and there are a few ways to do this. One of the simplest ways is to offer an honest review of your book. This is especially important if you’re trying to sell your book to readers who may be wary of self-published works. Taking the time to review your book and let your readers know what you thought about it will help build trust, and give you the chance to correct any mistakes you may have made during the publishing process. If you did make mistakes, be sure to address them in your review so that your readers know you’re trying to be as helpful as possible.

Avoiding Common Problems

There are a few problems that often crop up when people decide to self-publish, and knowing how to avoid them is essential if you want your ebook to reach its full potential. These are:

1. Lack Of Focus

As a writer, you should already have a fairly clear idea of what your book is about. If you’ve gone through the rigorous editing process, then your editor should have helped you hone your concept and make it into something concrete. However, sometimes it can be difficult to see how all the details you’ve worked so hard to create fit together. This is why it’s so important to take the time to reread some of your book and make sure that everything makes sense and is cohesive. Sometimes it’s easier to start from scratch, rather than trying to fix something that’s already been published. 

2. No Plan B

In the event that your book doesn’t perform well, it’s important to have a plan B. A plan B should not be confused with a plan C, which is what you’d use if your plan A fails. A plan B is simply a backup plan that you can use if your primary plan doesn’t work out. For example, if you’ve advertised your book in a local newspaper, and nobody has responded with an order, it’s time to move on to plan B. 

3. Not A Bestseller

In the grand scheme of things, it’s not the end of the world if your book doesn’t sell well. Yes, you’ll likely lose a bit of money, but you’re still in business. However, if you’re expecting your book to be a bestseller, then you need to prepare for the possibility that it won’t happen. While there are many factors that could potentially render your book unsellable, one of the major problems is that not enough people are actually reading your book. The good news is that there are many solutions to this problem. One of the simplest solutions is to put more effort into marketing your book. 

4. Technical Difficulties

There are countless reasons why people may run into technical difficulties when trying to read your book. If you’ve followed our step-by-step guide, then you already know how to avoid these issues. However, sometimes these issues crop up, and it’s up to you to figure out why. If you’re experiencing technical difficulties, then take some time to read our guide on How to Publish a Kindle Ebook, and you’ll be able to solve the problem quickly and efficiently.