If you’ve ever thought about trying your hand at writing an eBook, then congratulations! You’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll give you the insider secrets on how to write and format a book-length digital fiction novel so that it can be published and enjoyed by readers worldwide.
Build A Foundation
As the name implies, an eBook is a digital version of a traditional book. This means that just like a paper book, an eBook can only exist in digital form. While this may not seem like a challenging aspect of writing an eBook, it is essential that you take the time to build a solid foundation for your book. This foundation will be your guide to writing a coherent story that flows naturally and is easy to follow. It will also help you decide on the appropriate settings and tone for your work.
Writing a novel is a daunting task, especially one as large as the full-length novel. If you’ve ever tried your hand at writing a novel, you know that it can be incredibly difficult to keep everything straight in your head. For this reason, it’s essential that you take the time to build a solid foundation for your work before you start writing. This will help you to organize your thoughts and ideas, and prevent you from getting lost in the details while your work is still half-finished.
If you’ve ever tried writing a novel, you may have encountered several problems that kept you from progressing. Some of these problems could be solved by taking the time to build a solid foundation for your novel. To that end, we’ve identified five key areas that you should focus on before you start writing your manuscript.
Plan Your Outline
Novels are usually written in an outline style, where the author first writes the plan or blueprint of the entire work and then proceeds to write the actual material. This makes it much easier to keep track of where you are in the story and how you’ll get there. The plan or blueprint of your book is also essential if you want to add or remove elements from your story throughout the writing process.
Before you start writing, it’s a good idea to create an outline for your book. This should include both the major and minor plot points, and also the themes and messages you intend to incorporate into your story. An outline will help you keep your book cohesive and well-balanced. It can also guide you in writing the right amount of content for your story. Ensure that you’ve thought of everything before you start writing, otherwise you may find it difficult to keep your readers engaged. The more you write, the more you’ll discover that your outline wasn’t complete enough. You’ll either have to go back and add more content or rework certain parts of your story.
Set Up Your Characters
Even if you do end up writing an historical novel, it doesn’t mean that your characters have to be historical figures. You can write stories about fictional characters, as long as you make sure that they are thoroughly defined and have consistent personalities. An excellent way to do this is to write a personality questionnaire for each character. This will help you to establish their psychological make-up and also determine their physical appearance. For example, if you want to write a historical novel about Winston Churchill, you’ll have to decide what his personality is like and how he would walk, talk, and carry himself as a historical figure.
For this reason, it’s a good idea to create a character bible before you start writing. This will help you to organize your characters’ information, and ensure that you don’t forget anything crucial about them as you write the novel. In the bible, you should include their names (first and last), a short bio about them, a detailed history of their family, and a psychological analysis of their personality. Having all of this information in one place will be invaluable to you as you write the novel. It will also help your characters seem more real to you and your readers.
Decide On The Main Setting
The setting of your novel is another important aspect to consider. While you may write the script for your book in the present day, the events of your story should either take place in the past or present. You don’t want to write about things that haven’t happened yet, or include places that don’t exist yet. This will make your story seem more like fiction and less like history.
You should also decide whether you want to write an urban fantasy, science fiction, or historical novel. These are the three main categories of digital fiction, and they each have a distinct style. If you want to write a novel that will be enjoyed by the most people, then go with the science fiction route. However, if you want to write an adventurous tale that will appeal to more readers, then go with the urban fantasy or historical novel.
Determine How The Plot Will Unfold
Novels usually have a straightforward plot that proceeds in an obvious manner. However, some authors can get a little creative and have complex plots that don’t necessarily fit neatly into the traditional mold. If you want to write something that will be considered original content, then go for it. Just make sure that you’re not confused as to what is going on at any point in the story. If you do get a little murky at times, then your readers will feel the same way. If you find that you need extensive planning to make sure that everything fits into place, then perhaps you should consider writing a short screenplay instead.
Create An Exciting And Intriguing Premise
If you’ve ever read a best-selling novel, then you know that they usually have an incredible premise. The author creates an interesting scenario that keeps the reader enticed and engaged. A good premise for a novel will usually include both a problem and a solution. For example, in the Harry Potter series, the premise is that the evil Lord Voldemort has escaped from incarceration and is now hunting down and killing witches and wizards. The main characters, including Harry Potter, must come together to form a powerful wizarding alliance to save themselves and others.
If you’ve got an idea for a novel that you think could be interesting and intriguing, then go for it. Just make sure that you have a clear idea of what will happen in the end. You can also use your premise as a springboard for further ideas. If you think that there might be something in it for you financially, then write the novel first and then figure out how to make the most of it. Money can usually be an issue for writers, and it’s nice to come up with a solution that doesn’t involve becoming a full-time student.
Format Your eBook
The good thing about eBooks is that they don’t have to be formatted in a certain way to work on different devices. This makes it much easier for readers to enjoy your work wherever they choose. There are just a few things you need to consider, though. First, make sure that all of your fonts are easily readable. This will be difficult if some of them are really small or if they’re not supported by default on your operating system. Also, make sure that all of your paragraphs have spaces between them. This allows for easier reading onscreen, and it will help your work look more like a novel than a long screed in a blog post or a forum comment. And last but not least, make sure that you’ve got a cover created for your book. This will make your work look more appealing to potential readers. It’s also a good idea to write a short description of the book on the cover, so that people know what they’re getting themselves into. If you want to write an eBook that can be published and enjoyed by readers worldwide, then take the time to properly format it.
The Whole Process
So you’ve got an idea for a novel, and you’ve decided to write it. Now what? Well, the first step is to get ready to write. This means that you have to put your writer’s hat on and get to work. The closer you get to the end of your first draft, the more you’ll feel that wonderful surge of adrenaline that comes with finishing a piece of creative writing. Remember to take your time and do this step carefully. You’ll be surprised at how much better your work will look if you take the time to do it right. Just remember to enjoy the process. This is why you wrote the book in the first place, right?