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Home » How to Write an Ebook in 5 Easy Steps

How to Write an Ebook in 5 Easy Steps

You’ve decided to write an ebook. Congratulations! You are among the many millions of individuals who have decided that the digital world has far too many blank pages and that they can add value by contributing content.

No, we aren’t going to tell you that you need to hire a professional literary agent and seek out a traditional publisher. We’re going to teach you how to write an ebook in 5 easy steps so that you can start publishing your ebook today!

Step 1. Choose your platform

As the first step in our five-step tutorial, let’s begin with the most vital question: which platform should you use to write your ebook?

There are many options to choose from when it comes to platforms, and in this step we’ll teach you about two of the most popular ones: Apple Books and Google Play. Before we begin, let’s be clear about one thing: writing an ebook is not the same as writing a traditional book. While a novel typically follows a set structure and involves many narrative chapters, an ebook is completely independent of previous works and can take any form that the reader might want to see.

Based on your experiences, knowing what platforms are most popular or have the most potential when it comes to discovering new readers and selling books is more important than ever. For example, if you are writing an epic fantasy novel, you might decide that creating a Google Play account is the best way to go. On the other hand, if you are writing non-fiction or a literary novel, you might decide that using Apple Books is the way to go.

Step 2. Select a topic

The second step in our guide to writing an ebook is to select a topic for your book. It is essential to keep in mind that whatever topic you choose will influence the way you write the book and present the material to the reader. If you are writing an epic fantasy novel about warlocks, you might want to avoid using words like ‘warlock’ and ‘fantasy’ because they could have potentially conflicting meanings within the general concept of your novel. Instead, you can use words like’magic’ or’mythology’ to talk about the type of creatures and events that your story is centered around.

If you are writing non-fiction, you can choose a topic like’marketing’ or’selling’, as these are areas that you are fairly familiar with. However, you must make sure that the topic you choose is something that will interest a large number of people. For example, if you are writing about fashion and style, you might want to avoid choosing a topic like ‘economics’ because it is very unlikely that many people will be interested in reading about this topic. On the other hand, if you are writing a book about fashion and style, you can probably assume that many people will be interested in reading your book. It’s a judgement call, but if you want to write an ebook about something that is very specific, you can probably find the relevant audience even if it is a small minority.

Step 3. Define your characters

In step three, you will introduce your reader to your characters. Your characters are the people you will write about in your book, and it is essential that you choose these people with care so that you can write a good story that will keep your reader’s attention. To help you create unique and memorable characters, let’s examine three steps that will assist you in this endeavour:

1. The Physical Appearance Step

During this step, you will want to define the physical appearance of your characters. While you might assume that your main character will look like you (the author), you should not. A good author will know that their characters do not have to look like them, but they should look like someone that the reader can relate to. In choosing your characters, you should consider their appearance, speech and the overall feeling that they give off. For example, if you are writing about a vampire character, you might want to choose a pale-skinned female as your main character because pale-skinned females have been shown to be more attractive to vampires than others. Moreover, if you are writing about a character that is a warlock, you might want to select a tall, dark-haired man because many warlocks are shown to be handsome and often come with an alpha male quality that is hard to resist.

Remember that your characters are individuals whose actions and interactions with the other characters will dictate much of the plot of your story. Therefore, it is important that you choose these characters carefully so that their personalities match the story that you want to tell. If you do not want your story to seem like a rehash of the Harry Potter series, then you should probably select characters that are more original and do not follow the typical Harry Potter mold. Remember, your story is your own, and you are the only person who will be able to make it as good as you envision it to be.

2. The Personality Step

In the personality step, you will give your readers an insight into the minds of your characters. To do this, you will want to consider what makes your character unique. For example, if you are writing about a vampire character, you might want to reveal that they are very sad and lonely creatures who crave affection and attention. Moreover, you should try to create a back-story for each one of your characters. This way, when the reader meets the character for the first time, they will have some idea about what made the character the way they are. This step is very important because it will give the reader a perception of who your characters are and what they are like. If you want your reader to like your character, you must first like them yourself.

3. The Actions Step

In the actions step, you will give your reader an insight into the actions of your character. When writing an action-packed scene, you will want to make sure that everything is consistent with the way that your character acts and what they are like. Moreover, if there are multiple characters, each one of them should have a different action so that the scene flows naturally and the reader is not overloaded with information. If you want your reader to keep reading, you should probably select an action that will make them curious about what happens next. For example, if you are writing about a vampire character, you might want to include actions that will make the reader want to know more about what this strange creature is doing. Moreover, your actions should always serve a purpose so that the reader can easily understand why your character is doing what they are doing. For example, if you are writing about a vampire character who has just bitten a man and wants to drink his blood, you might want to include this action because it is what makes them unique and interesting. It is also the reason why they are characters that your reader will want to learn more about.

Step 4. Flesh Out The Back Story

During the back story step, you will want to give your readers an insight into the history that your character has gone through before. You do not need to tell the entire story in this step because you will be revealing it throughout the whole book. However, you should try to give the reader a small glimpse into the character’s life so that they can grasp what made the character the way they are and what happened to them in the past. In the history of your character, you will want to include all the significant events that shaped the person. Moreover, if you want your story to be historically accurate, you should probably consult a historian or academic of some kind to get all the correct dates and details right.

Step 5. Create A Plot

In the final step, you will want to begin putting everything you have into a plot. This will involve using the events and details that you have established to create a compelling story that your reader will want to continue reading. A good author will understand that a plot is not something that just happens; it is something that you create, piece by piece, until the reader is invested in the story and cannot wait to find out what happens next. If you are writing a literary novel, the plot will probably follow a set format that will not necessarily follow the traditional narrative route. For example, you might want to create a plot that involves a lot of internal monologues and a lot of back-and-forth dialogue between your characters.