You have ideas for songs. Maybe you’ve even written a few. Maybe you’ve even got a band and are looking for ways to express your music through a more traditional medium such as records or live shows. Whatever your situation, you’re in the right place! In this article, we will discuss 6 tips on how to write a song and make it great.
Know The Music Genre
Do you know what music genre you’re writing in? Do you know what makes your song different from other songs in its genre? Before you start writing songs, it’s important to explore the various genres and know what differentiates your music from other artists in the same genre. For example, if you’re a metal band and you want to write a song that incorporates heavy metal genres, it’s essential that your song stands out among other metal songs. This will help you to connect with potential listeners who might otherwise not give your song a chance. If you don’t know where to start, here are some tips on how to find the music genre that suits you.
Find Your Voice
Writing a song is a lot easier if you feel like you have a voice in mind that the song should accompany. If you’ve ever watched a music video or TV show where a song has been featured, you’ll notice that the accompanying music almost always has a familiar, natural sound to it. The reason behind this is that when the music was composed, the artist or songwriter had the specific voice they wanted the music to accompany in mind. For this reason, if you have an idea for a song but you don’t have the music yet, it would be a good idea to find your voice. This might not be easy, but it will make creating the song much easier. It will save you the time and effort of trying to make the song fit a musical key or template that you didn’t have in mind when you started. Finding your voice doesn’t mean that you have to stick to one note or monotone. In fact, when you find your voice, you’ll discover that it’s an amazing tool for writing music. It gives your song a sense of freedom and ease that you didn’t have before. When you find your voice, the song you’re writing will become much more personal and unique to you. This is why it’s so important to do this before you start writing songs.
Start Small
One of the best things about music is that you can start small. Most everyone has access to a keyboard or guitar, so all you need are some good chords and a melody to get started. When you’re starting small, your options for a song are almost endless. There are so many different instruments and styles of music that you can put to use to write a song. The only downside to writing a small song is that it’s usually not very good. The reason behind this is that when you start out, you don’t have enough experience to know how to write a good piece. However, this is all part of progressing. When you start small, your main goal should not be to write a good song but to simply write a song. Once you’ve started writing, you can take it from there and develop the song into something great. Remember that the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it. Make a conscious effort to write a good song and you’ll be on your way to writing a great one.
Be Brave
Another thing that makes a song great is the bravery of the songwriter. Now, we’re not talking about going out there and risking your life by performing the song. What we’re talking about is taking a personal risk and putting yourself in the line of fire. Sometimes you’ll write a song that will speak to you on a very emotional level. In these cases, the best approach is to be honest about your feelings. Sometimes we need someone to listen to us, and this is someone who will. If you write a song about a painful subject, but you don’t want to reveal the details, you can still write the song. However, if you decide to write the song, you have to be brave enough to sing it and live by it. Sometimes it’s not about the notes, it’s about how you feel when you play the song. If you don’t feel comfortable enough to sing a particular song, don’t write it!
Write The Way You Hear It
This tip might seem obvious, but it’s amazing how many people write songs and call them “lyrics.” Now, we’re not talking about the lyrics themselves – we’re talking about the instrument that the lyrics were written on. If you’re writing a song, whether it is metal, rock, pop, or R&B, don’t ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER use a pen. No, seriously. Never use a pen. If you’re using a keyboard, don’t play it like an instrument. Instead, write the melody and chords using your fingertips. This will help you connect with the music on a more personal level. If you’re playing an instrument, be sure to find your voice and use it. Otherwise, it will seem like you’re just copying. Sometimes it’s hard to find the exact vocal quality that you want, so instead of using a mouse, try using your fingertips. It’s amazing how much more you’ll learn using this method. Don’t overuse the eraser button either. Occasionally, you might need to erase a note to make it sound better. However, most of the time you’ll end up erasing parts that you didn’t mean to erase. Using the eraser button too often will make it harder to play and eventually, you won’t be able to play at all. This is why it’s important to know when to use it and when not to use it. One more thing, if you want a polished, professional appearance when finished, don’t use a distorting effect on your vocals. This will make it sound like you’re singing through a megaphone. If the vocal effects are done well, it will add more depth and life to your song. Sometimes it’s hard to find that perfect vocal effect, so instead of using one, put together your own. There are many free effects software programs available online that you can download and try out for yourself. Just remember, the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it. Practice makes perfect!
Pay Attention To Detail
This point goes hand-in-hand with the previous one, so it’s really important that you pay attention to detail. When you’re writing a song, there are always things to take care of. From the structure of the song to the way the vocals flow, everything must be perfect. This is why it’s important to pay attention to detail and do everything correctly. If there is one thing that you want to avoid while writing a song, it’s sloppy, unprofessional work. The best way to ensure that you don’t make any errors is to take your time and do it right. Don’t rush it and you’ll be amazed at how much better the final product will sound. Take your time and do it right.
Try Everything
Last but not least, we have the absolute key to writing a song and making it great: TRY EVERYTHING! In every step of the way, from the very first idea to the finished product, you should feel like you’re doing something new and challenging. Don’t be afraid to try out new things and challenge yourself. It’s not about perfection, it’s about putting yourself out there and seeing what happens. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your song is just to play it for someone and see what they say. Sometimes you’ll have an idea for a particular chord progression and it’ll sound amazing played on a keyboard. However, when you play it for someone, they’ll notice that it doesn’t sound perfect and ask you about it. Then you have to go back and figure out a way to make it better. Sometimes it’s not about the final product, it’s about the journey. The more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it. Don’t be afraid to try new things, even if they don’t work out perfectly the first time you do something different. The best artists in the world constantly challenge themselves and push themselves to try new things. Sometimes, these new things end up being perfect and it all starts coming together at the end. The key to writing a song is to always be looking for ways to improve. If you follow these six tips, you’re sure to write a song that will become an instant classic.