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How to Write a Prose Writing Sample for a Job

So you’re considering applying for a creative writing job, congrats! We’re in a similar situation and it’s been a long time coming, but finally, we have a job offer that we can’t refuse. You’d like to thank the hiring manager for this opportunity and maybe even send a little thank you gift for being so kind as to offer you the job. But how to write such an effective sample in just a couple of hours? Let’s find out.

The Need For Professionalism

One of the first things anyone will judge you on is your grammar and sentence structure. Make sure you’ve got everything laid out nicely and professionally, and you’ll be a hit. You may not end up being the best writer ever, but at least you’ll fit in with the good writers.

Focus On One Sided Communication

The sample you write will be used to assess your writing style and to determine how best to train you. Make sure you’re clearly explaining what you’ve done in the application and how you’ve done it. You’re applying for a job as a technical writer, so make sure your writing is free from errors and is easy to understand by those reading it. You want to give the impression that you’re a quick learner who can get the job done without too much thought.

Take Care Of The Style

Let’s say you’re applying for a job as a copywriter. Your sample writing should reflect that style so make sure you’re familiar enough with different types of writing and the language used by the profession. If you’re just starting out, it’s a great idea to look at other successful copywriters’ work for inspiration. You don’t want to imitate someone else’s style, but you can use their language to improve your own.

The Most Important Thing To Remember

This is especially important if you’re applying for a job where you’ll be expected to write long-form content. Make sure you’ve got enough content to make your point across and don’t worry about the grammar and spelling too much. You’re applying for a job as a journalist, so make sure the writing you produce is credible and interesting. Don’t expect the person reading your application to have any idea what you’re talking about, but at least they’ll have a good story to tell their friends.