So you’ve decided to write an e-book about meal planning. Congrats! Now, how do you plan on selling over 100,000 copies of your best-selling book in the next six months, or even earlier than that?
First of all, let’s establish some ground rules. Your goal is not to make quick cash; your goal is to generate leads for your biz. And to do that, you need to create a fun, value-packed read that will compel people to flip the page (or to click the buy button).
Here are some of the best tips for creating a winning meal plan e-book.
The Biggest Differentiator Is Value
If you’ve ever shopped for groceries, you may have noticed that there are a lot of options when you go online. You’ll see brands and products from every product category, all vying for your attention. To stand out, your e-book needs to be exceptional. Why? Because people are more likely to click on a link or a call to action that promises them something valuable. You can create a free sample of your book (just a few pages) to show off its value. Remember: you’re aiming for gold medal territory here. People are more likely to pay for content that is both useful and entertaining.
Keep It Light
If you’re someone who tends to get overwhelmed by things, you might want to consider developing a more streamlined approach to meal planning. When you minimize the amount of information you have to process each day, you free up more of your mind to focus on the important things. If you ever read one of my blogs, you’ll know that I’m a big proponent of simplifying life. When I first heard the term “meal planner,” I thought it was a typo and that the person meant to write a lifestyle guide. But no, a meal planner is someone who has organized all the information necessary to create and follow a meal plan. When we’re overloaded with information, our brains become cluttered; it’s hard to focus on anything else. Taking the time to simplify our tasks, clear our minds, and organize our schedules makes us feel like new people. And that’s exactly what you want your readers to feel like when they download and read your e-book. Keep your writing lighthearted and your examples easy to digest.
Keep It Short
There’s no magic number, but most experts agree that no more than six or seven chapters are necessary to fully explain the art of meal planning. The longer your book, the harder it will be to find the time to read it cover-to-cover. In the age of e-books, people are forced to put down their smartphones and digital devices for longer periods of time. So, if you want your e-book to appeal to a certain audience, keep it short and sweet. People love a good deal, and discounts, freebies, and bonuses can all be employed to make a sale. Plus, if you have a shorter e-book, it’s easier to update and add to as you find new ways to inspire your readers. The key is to keep things interesting and entertaining. If you can accomplish that, you’ll have created a value-packed, indispensable resource that will appeal to your target audience. And that’s all you need to know to begin.