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How to Write a Kindle eBook and Make Money

The Amazon Kindle is one of the most popular e-readers on the market, due in part to its easy-to-use interface and huge selection of titles available in the Kindle Store. Now that the Amazon Kindle is available for download on other platforms, such as the Apple iPad and iPhone, Sony’s Reader, and Nook, the world of e-books is bigger than ever before. If you’re interested in writing and publishing a Kindle eBook, then consider these best practices to help you succeed.

Choose a Niche

When choosing a topic for your e-book, it’s important to choose something that isn’t already saturated with literature. Readers are more likely to enjoy a new perspective or viewpoint than they are to enjoy yet another retelling of the same story. That’s not to say that there’s anything wrong with retellings or new takes on existing stories; it’s just that the market is already saturated with them. It’s like having a pop-up bookstore in your smartphone.

Don’t Forget the Basics

As you build your reputation as a writer, you’ll eventually encounter readers who are more experienced than you are and will point out your mistakes. Rather than getting discouraged, though, learn from their feedback and use it as a teaching tool.

For example, if a reader points out that you’ve used an adverb in a sentence that’s already a verb, then you know that you’ve probably used the wrong word. The same goes for using complex language or a word that isn’t easy to understand. If you want to become a good writer, then learn to become concise, using only the simplest language possible. Short sentences make for easy reading and helps make your e-book engaging.

Make It Easy To Find

If your goal is to publish a Kindle eBook and make money from it, then you don’t want to make it difficult for readers to find. If your book is unique and doesn’t appear alongside many other books on your chosen topic, then it will be that little bit easier for your readers to discover it. When choosing a title for your Kindle eBook, consider using a tool like Scrivener to create a writing sample featuring multiple characters and varying viewpoints. This will make your work stand out and allow you to focus on the story rather than the language used.

Use Bold Type

When using bold type in your writing, it’s important to keep in mind the hierarchy of information in a book. If you have four distinct points you want to make in a short space, then use bold type to draw the reader’s attention to the key facts you want them to remember. When used sparingly and appropriately, bold type can add a touch of personality to your writing and make it more enjoyable to read. You should use it when you need to make a key point in your writing that would otherwise go unnoticed by the reader. Too often, writers resort to using bold type just because it’s easy to do so. If you’re going to use this tool, then make sure that you know why you’re doing it and how it’ll benefit your reader. As with most things in life, it’s a case of “less is more.”

Revisit Old Text

A lot of readers will learn to love your story only to discover later that they don’t like or prefer certain parts. When this happens, they may come back and tell you that certain scenes aren’t his/her thing and should be removed or altered. In this case, go back and read your text carefully. Sometimes, we writers can be so obsessed with the story that we forget about the readers. It’s important to keep in mind that some parts may not be for everyone and that you should probably exclude these when writing the first draft. The more you put in it, the more you’ll get out of it. So, be patient and invest as much time as necessary to make sure that everything fits comfortably within the framework you’ve created. Even then, you may discover that you need to go back and alter something that you hadn’t considered important when writing the first draft. In this case, you’ll need to make the decision as to whether or not you want to keep this part of the story and whether or not it serves to further the plot.

Keep It Short

In case you were wondering, a short book isn’t simply one that’s 200 pages or less. It can be pretty much any length as long as it stays within the realms of a traditional book. The ideal length for a Kindle eBook is between 20,000 and 40,000 words. Anything shorter and you’ll risk losing the attention of your target audience. Longer books are sometimes a challenge to publish, because software like Scrivener make keeping track of content a little more difficult. Plus, the longer the book, the more expensive it’s going to be to publish. On the other hand, if you’ve written a lengthy book and decide to cut some content, then you’ll most likely end up losing some of your earnings. Remember, if your book is more than 40,000 words, then you’ll need an agent to get it published. Short books are more likely to be picked up and read by a larger audience, which means they may also be more lucrative for you as a writer. Ultimately, you’ll have to decide what’s most important to you. When it comes to e-books, being short is often more effective than being long.

The above tips should help you get started writing a Kindle eBook. Remember, writing a book is a difficult and time-consuming process, so don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t come out exactly like you planned. Instead, take what you’ve learned and use it as a springboard for your next project. And, if you found this article valuable, then be sure to check out our guide to becoming a freelance writer, which covers everything from pitching ideas to earning potential. You can also find us on social media, where we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about working with content creators to develop your own content strategy.