So you’ve decided to write an ebook. Congratulations! You are among the many millions of people who have benefited from the digital revolution and discovered the joy of creating and distributing content. Your peers have published bestsellers, created YouTube Channels, and grown big platforms all over the world. It’s an exciting time to be a content creator and your ebook is just the beginning. But your excitement might soon turn to worry if you don’t know how to write an ebook that will sell.
You’ll soon discover there’s a lot more to an ebook than just text on a page. An ebook’s form, function, and many other factors contribute to its quality and readability. This article will give you a definitive guide to producing a high-quality, sellable ebook in just 7 days. We’ll cover each step of the way so you can produce an ebook that will satisfy your audience and bring in the big bucks.
Day 1: Setting The Tone
The first thing you’ll need to do is set the tone for your book. What will you name your ebook, what genre will it fall under, and will you use a specific tone of voice for your writing? Begin by brainstorming a short list of up to three genre stereotypes that come to mind when you think of ebooks. Perhaps you’re imagining an edgy urban fantasy or maybe even a young adult adventure story. Whatever the case may be, you need to find a voice that will match the vibe of your story and that your readers will enjoy and relate to.
For example, if you’re writing an urban fantasy, your prose may lean towards the gritty and edgy side. There might also be a vein of humor running through your story. If you decide to go for a specific genre, take some time to explore the tropes and phrases unique to that genre so you can distill your work into something authentic.
Day 2: Formatting Your Ebook
The next step is to format your ebook. What kind of electronic reader will you use, what size should your text be, and will you make your book interactive? The choice of eBook reader and the size of the fonts you use will affect the overall look and feel of your e-book. Also, you should know that not all readers support all features. Some support graphic images while others only allow you to interact with the text.
You’ll find a whole section on the Wiley website devoted to ebooks, outlining everything you need to know about formatting your ebook for the different electronic readers out there. Also, don’t forget about the screens you’ll be using to distribute your ebook. The smaller the screen size, the easier it will be for your audience to read your work. And, of course, large screens are preferable for those who want to engage with your content on an interactive basis. You’ll also need to decide whether you want your ebook to be portrait or landscape mode. Most readers will prefer the former, so make sure your screen suits this orientation to give your audience the best reading experience possible.
Days 3-5: Planning, Research, And Writing
After you’ve set the tone for your book, you’ll need to plan. Outline everything you need to include in your story including the main characters, setting, and plot. This step will help you make the most out of your seven days and ensure you don’t waste any time. Once you’ve planned out the story and set the dates, you can start researching.
The more you know about your subject matter, the better. If at all possible, try to find as much information as you can. The more you know, the less you’ll have to wing it. And, who knows, maybe you’ll even discover an expert you didn’t know existed. Research is extremely important because it gives you the tools you need to make your book the best it can be. Without good research, you’ll have to settle for a sub par product.
As you write, you’ll need to keep a careful eye on the language you use. For example, if you’re writing for a Young Adult audience, you might want to look into more sophisticated words and phrases. The more you know, the more you can tailor your writing to suit your audience.
Day 6: Editing, Proofreading, And Optimizing
After your book is written, you’ll need to edit. Look for spelling errors, punctuation errors, and anything else that might hinder the flow of the text. Remember, your book is your baby and you’re in the best position to make sure it’s perfect. Take your time and polish your work before you send it off to your publisher.
Once your book is edited, you’ll need to proofread. This is a critical step, especially if you’re going to be distributing your ebook to a large audience. The more you reach out for help, the less you’ll have to do. Plus, getting someone else’s opinion will help polish your book and identify any errors. You can use different tools to find errors in your work, such as Blue Pencil or the Find and Replace function in Microsoft Word.
Once you have your book edited and proofread, you can begin the final step: optimizing. This is where you’ll tweak a few things here and there to give your book the best possible shot at being noticed. A few key things to consider are getting the layout of your book done, creating a Table of Contents, and embedding the right resources (like videos, images, or interactive elements).
For example, if you’ve decided your book will focus on a young adult audience, you might want to consider using images of teenagers, as well as catering to the interests of this demographic. If you run a blog, you can use this book as a template to start your own ebook series – the sky is the limit! For more information on how to write an ebook, visit this link provided by Wiley or check out this informative resource from the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s).
Good luck out there!