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How to Use Grant Money in Creative Writing

Awarded Creative Writing students demonstrate their excellent research and craft skills by winning prestigious competitions and gaining great opportunities post-graduate.

Whether you’re an aspiring writer or have been writing for a while and are looking for new inspiration, studying creative writing at university is a great option. Earning a PhD in Creative Writing is also possible, allowing you to benefit from access to a remarkable array of development opportunities and grant money.

Though much of the course will focus on honing your craft, building the required skills, and developing your own individual voice, you’ll also need to be aware of the financial responsibilities that come with being a PhD student. You’ll be awarded a living stipend that can be accessed through student loans, but you’ll also need to find additional sources of income. This blog post will advise you of how to make the most of your PhD in Creative Writing and the accompanying grant money to help you move forward successfully in your writing career.

The Importance Of Literary Agents

A literary agent’s role is to connect publishers, printers, and authors with commercial viability. They will also look after any rights that you may have signed away during your time as a student.

After completing your PhD, you may decide to move into publishing and want the help of an established professional. A literary agent can help take you from being an unknown to being a bestselling author.

Though much of their work is unseen and done behind the scenes, a literary agent’s impact is far-reaching. You may also decide to sign with an agent after completing your PhD, especially if you want to become a traditionally published writer. This is a decision that you should make after careful consideration.

Managing Your Finances

You’ll be earning a good living as a doctoral student. However, you’ll also need to be aware of the extra costs that come with earning your degree. These can include things such as tuition fees, books, travel to and from uni, and childcare. It’s important to manage your finances wisely to ensure that you’re not overextending yourself and creating unnecessary financial burdens. It’s also important to create and maintain a good credit rating to ensure that you can access the necessary loans and grants to finance your studies.

Where To Go For More Information

If you’re curious about how to make the most of your graduate studies and accompanying grant money, you may find it helpful to research more about how other arts and humanities PhD students are managing to thrive even though they have financial resources that they didn’t have while they were students. You may also want to read up on successful literary agents and how they work so that you’re aware of the numerous benefits that this type of arrangement offers. Though much of your PhD study will be theoretical, it’s also important that you put into practice what you’ve learned. This will give you the best chance of securing a good grade and landing a high-paying job once you’ve graduated.