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How to Submit a Creative Writing Supplement

A creative writing supplement is a short story or article that comes attached to a journal article published in a peer-reviewed academic journal. These publications love receiving creative writing supplements because they offer a unique perspective on the work that they published. At the same time, publications also want to keep their journals entertaining and interesting so they can continue to draw in new readers and maintain relevance.

You may be wondering how you can become a creative writer with an interesting perspective. The answer is simple – you can always write a creative writing supplement for anyone. That’s right; you can write an article or short story about anything you want. Some possible topics include:

  • The evolution of technology – what came before and what will come after?
  • How to achieve a perfect cup of coffee – even if you’re not a coffee lover?
  • The psychology of buying expensive gifts – does price matter?
  • Why do people sometimes go wrong – can you explain why we sometimes make mistakes?
  • The psychology of using fake news to sway voters – what motivates individuals to engage in this type of social manipulation?
  • Is there a future for social media and are we overly reliant on our devices?

What’s important is that you put your own spin on the work that you’re referencing. For example, if you’re writing about the history of technology, you can take a different approach and use a different set of facts to present your argument. Or, if you’re writing about politics, you can approach this from a completely different perspective. For instance, if you’re using Aristotle as your source, you could argue that voter’s intentions are often manipulated by false news headlines that catch people’s attention.

The purpose of a creative writing supplement is to allow the reader to engage in an entertaining yet informative read. Therefore, make sure that you include everything from historical facts to entertaining anecdotes. You should also write with at least a rudimentary level of grammar and punctuation. Finally, make sure that your writing is polished and free of spelling errors. Otherwise, your submission may be rejected without even being read by the intended audience.

How Do I Write A Creative Writing Supplement?

The first step to writing a creative writing supplement is to determine the topic you’ll explore. Once you’ve decided on this, you can begin to research the appropriate methodology. Typically, these articles are between 500 and 1,500 words in length. Once you’ve reached this point, it’s time to write your draft. Take your time and edit your work until it’s smooth and error-free.

Where Do I Send My Creative Writing Supplement?

Once you’ve completed your draft, you’ll need to determine the best venue for publication. Obviously, you’re aiming for academic publications so chances are, you’ll be submitting your work to a peer-reviewed journal. In some cases, you may also be asked to submit your work to a conference. As a general rule, you should aim to submit your work to a high-quality academic journal. Publishing in a reputable journal will greatly enhance your chances of being published.

If possible, you should try and secure a slot on a virtual reading platform. This will allow you to preview your work before publication. Finally, once you’ve submitted your work, make sure that you follow up with a confirmation email.

When Is My Creative Writing Supplement Due?

Unlike traditional academic pieces, creative writing supplements are generally due approximately six to eight weeks after publication. Of course, this varies depending on the journal you’re submitting to. However, this is usually the case and you should not expect to receive notifications that your work has been accepted or rejected before this time.

As a general rule, you should aim to submit your creative writing supplement as soon as possible. However, this is not always possible. If you’re in a crunch for time, you can always try to submit later, but you’ll need to make sure that you follow up with the journal to see if your work has been accepted or rejected.

Creative writing supplements are an excellent way to build up your publishing credit. At the same time, it’s also a chance to write about something that interests you. Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine what you’ll write about and how you’ll approach the subject matter. The only rule is that you need to have an interesting perspective on the topic you choose. If you can deliver on this objective, you’ll have the chance to write about something that interests you. Ultimately, whether you write about the evolution of technology or why some people are drawn to a certain political party, it’s always a chance to learn something new.