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How to Submit a Writing Sample That Was Published Online

So you have an article, book, or some other type of writing that you’ve done – great! Now what? How do you find the right audience for your work? Where do you start looking for the readers you need? Once you’ve found them, how do you get them to engage with what you’ve written?

Well, you might be wondering how to submit your work to publication – and you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the best tips and tricks for getting your work published. Before you begin, it’s important to note that the route to publication is not always a smooth one, and it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start.

Find The Perfect Submissions Channel

The first step to getting your work published is to find the right channel for your content. Much like when you’re searching for a movie to watch or some music to listen to, you may want to consider the type of content the publication or site you’re looking at inviting you to submit your work to. It’s important to find a channel that fits perfectly with your intended audience.

For example, if you’re writing on personal finance, you might want to look for a site providing financial advice. If you’re an aspiring novelist, you could try your hand at writing a book and submit it to a literary agent or publishing house. If you’re a business owner looking to grow your business, you could try your hand at writing an e-book and submit it to digital self-publishing platforms such as ClickHouse or WriteRoute.

Focus On One Thing At A Time

Another important thing to do before you start submitting your work is to focus on one thing at a time. It’s easy to get caught up in the many different tasks involved in getting your work published, and before you know it, the deadline for the current project is passed and you still haven’t worked on the next one. Make a list of all the items you need to complete before submitting your work, and be sure to check it twice before starting any of them.

Start Small

It’s a common tendency for authors to want to write their masterpiece and have it accepted by the largest possible audience. However, submitting your work to publications that are far beyond your reach can often lead to disappointment. Instead, try starting small and work your way up. Find a forum for writers, join a group on social media, and gradually build up your reputation as a professional writer. The key to getting your work published is to prove to the editor in question that you’re capable of writing high-quality content for their publication. With enough time and dedication, you’ll be able to connect with the editors at larger publications and get your work accepted by them too.

Know What You’re Looking For

Another important thing to do before you start submitting your work is to know what you’re looking for. Just because a particular site or channel invites you to submit your work to them does not mean that they’ll be interested in everything you have to offer. Take the time to find out more about the specific publication or channel you’re interested in and what they’re looking for. This will help you determine what you should be doing to get your work accepted.

Make A Plan

Once you’ve found the perfect submissions channel for your content, it’s time to make a plan. Deciding on a plan of action can be difficult, as you don’t know what will happen once you start submitting your work. However, making the effort to plan will give you a better idea of what to do and will make the entire process much smoother and less stressful. There are many different ways your plan can go, and you may have to experiment a bit to find what works best for you.

Solve The Problem You’re Having With The Editing

One of the main problems any writer will face is not being able to find the right word or phrasing for the task at hand. Another problem many writers will face is the tendency to write in an overly formal manner. These are common issues that authors have to deal with, and if you’re having trouble solving these problems, it’s time to seek help. The good news is there are a number of different solutions you can try out, and it’s often easier to find the one that works best for you than to try out a variety of techniques and see which one works best for your particular work.

Get Help From An Experienced Editor

An important thing to do before you start submitting your work is to get help from an experienced editor. Even if you work in a traditional publishing environment and have been given some editorial input on your manuscript, it’s still a good idea to get someone else’s opinion. If you can find an experienced and respected copy editor who specializes in financial reporting or business writing, it’s time to call them. Having an outsider take a look at your work can help guide you toward better storytelling, more effective language usage, and, most importantly, polish your work so that it reads better than ever before.

Don’t Be Fooled By Appearance

Folks who’ve never worked in a publishing or media environment might be tempted to jump at the first opportunity to submit their work for consideration. However, good editors and publishers will tell you it’s all about the content and nothing about the appearance. When it comes to getting your content published, your writing sample or manuscript doesn’t necessarily need to be perfect to succeed. What it needs is focus, and a willingness to improve. If you want to have your work published, make sure that your writing is of a high enough quality to draw interest from potential publishers – and that you keep working at improving it until you find the right one.