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How to Start Your Own Online Writing Business

Have you ever considered exploring the lucrative world of online writing? If so, then congratulations! You are probably on the right track to becoming a successful freelance writer. All you need are the right tools, a bit of determination, and a whole lot of talent. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to set up your own online writing business and provide you with some valuable advice along the way.

Choose A Niche

If you’re looking to get started you might wonder what niche to pick. After all, there are many different subjects you can write about, and how do you decide which one to focus on? The answer is, it’s not as easy as it seems. When choosing your niche, you should first consider your strengths and weaknesses. Are you a quick writer? A creative writer? A logical writer? Having knowledge in a specific area means you can easily find work. However, if you’re not particularly good at thinking creatively, then focus on writing about logic. Alternatively, if you’re the creative type, you could look into writing about art or design.

Once you’ve determined your niche, you can refine it even further by identifying what differentiates you from other writers in your chosen field. To succeed as a freelance writer, you need to stand out from the crowd by providing your readers with unique content that is both interesting and valuable. To achieve this, take the time to explore the subjects that interest you and that can also be of use to your readers. The more you know about a subject, the more you can contribute to the discussion. This way, you’ll be able to set yourself apart from other writers while also providing your readers with useful information.

Determine Your Reading Interests

To continue from the previous point, once you’ve decided on a niche you want to focus on, you should explore the subjects that interest you. If you’re looking to build a profitable writing business, you’ll need to determine which topics you can write about that your audience will want to read about. To do this, create a reading log of the books, magazines, and blogs that you enjoy reading. By adding these items to your reading list, you’ll be able to better determine which topics you should be exploring. Keep in mind that your interests change as you grow as a person, so make sure you change your reading log as frequently as necessary.

Create A Writing Schedule

Once you’ve established regular times for your writing sessions, you should start scheduling these sessions. Even when you do have a lot of free time, you won’t be able to produce quality content if you don’t schedule your sessions at least once a week. According to John C. Reed of, having a schedule will help you keep on top of your work, ensure you follow through on your commitments, and allow you to plan your promotions. So, don’t hesitate to put in the effort to create a schedule and stick to it. It will prove invaluable in helping you establish yourself as an independent writer.

Make Sure You’re Always Ready

Being prepared goes hand-in-hand with being successful. Having all the necessary pieces of paper and being able to write quickly are two essentials that will take you far in this business. Make sure you always have these two things with you so you can produce content whenever you need it. Never be caught off guard unprepared, and you’ll do just fine in this business. 

Make Sure You Have Everything Cleared

One of the most important things you need to do before you start is to make sure you have all the necessary legal documents in order. This includes getting a copyright for your work, registering with the IRS as an independent contractor, and setting up your own business bank account. In addition, if you’re planning on using a professional editing service, make sure you work with an established company with a good reputation.

As you can see, there are many steps involved in setting up your own freelance writing business. These steps will ensure you create a successful business that can eventually support you financially. So, don’t be afraid to take the time to get everything in order. In most cases, this will be well worth it in the end.

Don’t Forget To Update Your Resume

A professional resume is an important tool for any freelancer. A well-written resume that highlights your experience will get you far in your job search. In fact, Reed suggests putting your resume online before you send it out to prospective employers. This way, you’ll be able to keep track of all your applications and get feedback as soon as possible. Make sure you regularly update your resume with new information.

Building a successful freelance writing business doesn’t have to be difficult. With a little bit of research, determination, and some creative thinking, you can easily establish yourself as a go-to writer for your chosen niche. The key is in keeping your niche relevant to current audiences while also providing your readers with valuable information. Regardless of your niche, there is always room for you to write about something that interests you. You just need to find the right forum to share your work with the world.