Picture it, you’re checking your inbox, desperately searching for that one piece of content that will land you on the career path to greatness.
You’ve got a great idea for an article, a course, or maybe even a book – but you need someone to share your excitement about it. You quickly type in the address for your favorite freelancer friend, only to find that they’re already working on another job.
You’re anxious, maybe even a little panicky. You hate wasting time, and you don’t want to be wasteful with your precious ideas. So you decide to email the person who inspired you in the first place.
That’s when things got messy. You email them and it’s received perfectly. You bask in their praise, excited to finally land a contract that will enable you to live your best life.
A few days later, you receive a call from the recruiter for the company your friend was working for. You tell them you’d love to speak with them about the position, only to find out that your friend is no longer available.
You’re devastated. You feel like you’ve let your friend down, and worst of all, you’ve damaged your chance at the position. You beg for another chance, but the recruiter reassures you that there are other opportunities available.
You could probably write a book about this situation. We’ve all been there. We wanted to impress our friends with an amazing experience, so we researched the best ways to do it. Turns out, there’s actually a science to turning dreams into reality. Below, we’ll tell you the formula and how to apply it to write a winning hire email.
What is a Hire Email?
If you’re reading this, I assume you’re looking for a way to land a job. If that’s the case, then you may be wondering what is a hire email? Well, it’s a simple enough concept. A hire email is any email you send to a hiring manager, a recruiter, or someone responsible for making a decision about your future with a company.
You can tailor your email to better appeal to the receiver. While there’s no hard and fast rule, you generally want to cover the following items when writing a successful hire mail.
The Subject Line
The subject line of your email should give the recipient a good idea of what’s inside. In terms of style, you want to keep the headline brief and snappy. For example, “Java Developer – New York City – Full Time” gives the recruiter a clear idea of what’s inside.
Your subject line should not be a blatant sales pitch, but it should reflect what the email is about. If you’re pitching an article, your subject line should reflect that. “Sunny California – Find a New Home” is a great example of a successful subject line, as it provides information about the location without being overbearing.
The Body
The body of your email is where you talk about the specifics of the job you’re applying for. Depending on the role, you might want to cover the following in your body.
The Introduction
The introduction is generally two or three sentences that the reader doesn’t have to think too hard about. It’s usually filled with important information, so cut to the chase here.
The Need For The Position
You should phrase this in such a way that the reader will want to learn more about the position. For example, if you’re applying for a customer service job, you could mention that you’re looking for a change and wish you’d found the right place.
“I’m a recent college grad, looking for my first job. I’ve got a background in business and marketing, and have worked in sales for a small e-commerce company. I’m energetic, driven, and looking for my first real challenge. If you’ve got a job opening and think I’d be a good fit, please reach out!”
Why The Hiring Manager Should Consider Your Application
The most effective way to get a recruiter’s attention is to stand out from the crowd. You want to make sure that the person reading your email has not seen it before, and will want to get back in touch as soon as possible. To accomplish this, you need to include a little something extra here, something that will make the reader interested in your application.
You want to mention something about yourself that is unique and of great value to the hiring manager. For example, did you complete a coding bootcamp, or are you currently studying software engineering at a prestigious university?
Key Facts About The Role
What are the key facts about the role that you’re applying for? Include any relevant information that might be useful here.
Is the job remote work? If so, how would you get along with coworkers and the company culture? Be specific about the working environment here, as well as how you would benefit from the position. Are there any special training requirements? Skills needed to succeed in the role?
The Conclusion
You want to leave your reader feeling as if they’ve gained valuable information. You need to include something that will make them interested in learning more. Generally, this will be something along the lines of “If you’re looking for a new challenge, I’d love to hear about your opportunity at
You want your email to end on a high note. So, as mentioned before, include something that will make the reader interested in your application. Above all else, be sure to write a conclusion that will leave the reader wanting more. Thanks for reading! I hope this was helpful.