There is no denying that writing is a creative process and a never-ending source of inspiration. However, writing in itself is not necessarily a productive or useful process. The reason why most people enjoy writing is because it allows them to put their thoughts into words and have someone else read them. But why would you want to do that if you are not writing for any particular reason?
The purpose of this article is to help you set realistic goals for your creative writing so that you can measure your progress and know when you have achieved them. We will discuss ways in which you can set goals, both short-term and long-term, to improve your productivity as a writer and to make your life as a writer more interesting.
Set Short-Term Goals
No matter what stage you are in as a writer, you will always have short-term goals you need to work towards. In order to do this, it is necessary to set specific, measurable objectives you must achieve within a certain period of time. Some of these will be simpler to achieve than others and may require a lot of research or planning but, in the end, you will have accomplished something towards your goal.
For example, if you are a novelist and have written your first draft of the first chapter of your new book, your short-term goal would be to finish the entire novel by the end of the year. Finishing a draft of a book is a big deal and signifies that you have worked through many of the problems that came with writing in the first place. So, even though it may seem difficult, setting this type of short-term goal will be very satisfying and encouraging.
Set Medium-Term Goals
Mid-term goals are a little less tangible than short-term ones but are no less important. These are goals you set for yourself in the middle of the year and strive to achieve by the end of the year or at the very least by the end of the next one. Some examples of mid-term goals might be to write a review for a magazine or to hold a workshop for aspiring writers. In general, these are goals that can be very beneficial to your professional career as a writer.
Whether you are a student or a professional, setting mid-term goals is important because it keeps you focused on what you set out to do and encourages you to keep working at it. In general, having these goals will make your life as a writer much more interesting and can also help you avoid becoming bored or disheartened, which, in turn, could lead to you not reaching your full potential as a writer.
Set Long-Term Goals
Long-term goals are finally what you put your effort into once you have finished your mid-term and short-term goals. These are the goals you set for yourself at the end of the year or decade (or beyond!) and strive to achieve as soon as possible. Some examples of long-term goals might be to write a book per week or to publish a newspaper column every month (if you are a journalist).
The purpose of having these goals is twofold. One, they make your life as a writer more interesting and give you something to work towards. Two, by setting them, you are in a better position to measure your progress and see how much you have accomplished compared to how much you set out to do. This is important because it allows you to determine whether you are on the right track or need to adjust your strategy.
The Importance Of Setting Realistic And Measurable Goals
The key to setting and achieving goals is to make them realistic and measurable. To do this, you have to first establish how you will measure your progress and, second, set a benchmark to determine whether you have achieved your goal or not. In creating your benchmark, you have to consider what you have available to you and what would be the best way to track your progress. For example, if you want to become a best-selling author, you would need to consider how you could keep track of your progress, whether it be by the number of books sold or by the amount of articles written for publications.
To come up with measurable goals, it is important to sit down and brainstorm with a professional. Professionals who have experience in advising and guiding writers will be able to give you advice on how to set realistic goals for your writing and how to measure your progress. Through this article, we have tried to give you some idea of what is entailed in setting realistic goals for your creative writing. We hope that you will find the information here useful and that it encourages you to set some goals and begin working towards them.