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How to Search for Remote Copywriting Jobs on LinkedIn

You’ve decided to hit the road, and you’re looking for a new challenge. You are passionate about writing and confident that you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. You have a desire to work remotely, and you’re not planning on wasting any time once you’re out of your home. You want to be picked up immediately and feel prepared to hit the ground running. You have a strong opinion on what makes for a successful remote lifestyle, and you want to share it with the world. While you’re en route to your new position, you’ve decided to make some extra spending money by moonlighting. You quickly find a client and the two of you form a symbiotic relationship. To help you get the most out of this new chapter, we’ve put together a list of tips on how to search for remote copywriting jobs on LinkedIn.

Start Your Search Early

If you are looking to break out of your home state and expand your career opportunities, you’ll want to be searching for jobs as soon as possible. Since you’ll be starting from scratch, you don’t want to waste any time and apply for jobs that aren’t a good fit. You’ll be at the mercy of the hiring manager and may not get the opportunity to demonstrate your skills if the position isn’t right for you. You also don’t want to be applying for jobs and getting rejected because the position requires someone who is already working remotely. The earlier you start your search, the better. Jobs@LinkedIn is one of the best places to find relevant remote positions. You can also search for jobs by specific niche, such as technology, marketing, and sales.

Join relevant networks

Since you’re going to be applying for a remote position, you’ll want to establish yourself in the industry. One way to do this is to join relevant networks. Relevant networks will help you find other industry professionals who are looking for freelancers or contractors. They may also be able to provide you with opportunities that you can’t find elsewhere. If you are new to networks, join the ones that are most relevant to your niche. Once you’re established, you can move to more general networks and join groups that offer help to freelancers or contractors. You’ll want to make sure that you’re actively participating in these groups since they can sometimes be the source of breaking news and opportunities that you can’t beat.

Follow the Opportunities

As a remote copywriter, you’ll be in the fortunate position of having lots of opportunities to work. The problem is that not everyone will be a good fit for your schedule and work style. You’ll also want to be discerning about the opportunities that you pursue. Be picky about the projects that you take on. If you find that most of the opportunities aren’t a good fit for you, then it’s time to move on to the next batch. Remember: there are lots of different kinds of opportunities out there, and you’ll want to make sure that you are pursuing the right ones for your skillset. Don’t just settle for whatever comes your way.

Target The Right Audience

Since you are a remote writer, you’ll want your work to be accessible to a wide audience. You don’t want to limit yourself to specific industries or groups; you’ll want to target the right audience for your skills. LinkedIn’s Audience Optimizer tool can help you discover the most suitable groups and forums for your content. Once you are able to connect with your ideal audience on LinkedIn, you can use the platform’s various features to engage with them. You can use the site’s analytics tools to track the types of content that result in the most clicks and engagement. This will help you determine what topics are most in demand and which ones you should avoid. For example, if you notice that your articles on digital marketing tend to perform better than those on copywriting, you may want to focus on marketing topics in the future. You can also use this information to determine the size of your ideal audience. The more people you reach, the more you’ll be able to charge for your services. If you want to break out of your home state and establish yourself as an authority in your industry, then start building your audience now!

Make The Most Of Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is one of the best tools that you have to get started and find your first job as a remote copywriter. With some effort, you can make the most of this platform to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements. Since your profile is a hybrid of personal and professional elements, take the time to compose a coherent narrative that is both eye-catching and engaging. Use the first few lines of your profile to hook the reader. After establishing yourself as an expert in your industry, you can use the rest of the profile to provide information on what sets you apart from other candidates.

Include A Cover Letter

In addition to your LinkedIn profile, you’ll want to include a cover letter in your application. A cover letter allows you to introduce yourself and discuss why you are the right person for the job. You can briefly discuss the position and the requirements. Ensure that your cover letter is an effective sales pitch and that it makes the reader interested in learning more about you. Your cover letter should not be longer than one or two pages. If you are sending your application through email, be sure to include a physical envelope to ensure that it arrives undamaged.

Follow Up

After you’ve sent in your application, don’t forget about it. Follow up with a polite yet persistent email. Take the time to thank the person who made the decision and invite them to interview you. This simple step can significantly increase your chances of securing the job. The interview process can be quite tricky since it is typically conducted by email. Make sure that you’ve prepared for this step by following up with a concise and to-the-point covering letter. If you don’t get the response that you’re looking for, don’t be discouraged. There may be another opportunity out there that is right for you.

As you can see, there are many ways that you can use LinkedIn to find your first job as a remote copywriter. By following the tips discussed above, you’ll be able to find a position that is ideally suited for your skillset. Don’t hesitate to try out these opportunities since they can potentially open up doors for you that you couldn’t even imagine. Good luck out there!