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How to Refer to Dates in Creative Writing

As a novelist, short-story writer, or even casual reader, you’re undoubtedly familiar with the struggles of building a story around real-world dates and times. You want to make sure that the events of the story flow smoothly from the reader’s point of view, while still keeping your story realistic. But when it comes to the actual dating part, most of us struggle to find the right terminology to represent the different kinds of dating we experience. Whether you’ve never been on a dates before or are just looking to enrich your vocabulary, you’ll definitely need the following terms.


Dating is a popular topic on social media platforms because it’s such a universal experience. But when it comes to fiction, we often shy away from using the word ‘date’ due to its common usage in other contexts. It can be difficult to find the right word or phrase to represent the type of dating you experience in your story, especially if you’re not very used to describing intimate experiences in writing. For example, you might struggle to put into words what happened the first time you kissed a member of the opposite sex. This is why it’s important to learn how to refer to dates in creative writing so that you can accurately describe your experience.

Romantic Dates

A romantic date is usually classified as a date in which you spend time with a member of the opposite sex solely to develop a romantic relationship. Romantic dates are fairly common in fiction, but due to their typically ‘cute’ connotations, they’re not usually described in great detail. However, in modern times, the form of dating has evolved beyond simply going on a romantic date, so the meaning of this phrase has changed a little bit over time. For example, if you go on a double-date with a friend, you’re not going on a romantic date, even though you’ll spend most of the evening with your friend. The main difference between a romantic date and a regular old date is that the former is usually planned, while the latter is often spur-of-the-moment. In many cases, the two dates you might go on could be considered romantic, but you wouldn’t necessarily call them such. It’s all about the context in which you find yourself at the time. So if you’re having a hard time describing a specific type of date in creative writing, what you have might not be technically a ‘date’, but it’s certainly something more than just hanging out with a friend. In these situations, you would say that you went on a ‘friend-date’, which is perfectly valid.

Casual Dates

A casual date is usually defined as one in which you have no intention of establishing a serious or long-term relationship with the person you’re seeing. Casual dates are popular in modern times, but they’re not a recent invention. In fact, people have been having ‘fun’ dates for centuries, mostly because they were afraid of committing to a long-term relationship or marriage. These are the dates that people go on just to pass the time, whether it’s because they’re bored or lonely. Sometimes, a casual date can evolve into a romantic date if both parties are interested in this sort of thing. But mostly, it’s just a casual date. When writing about a casual date, it is important to keep in mind that you are not trying to represent the meaning of ‘date’ in a serious context. You might want to call it a ‘hang out’, or a ‘night out’, or even a ‘romantic encounter’, but in the end it’s all about how you define it.

Modern-Day Dates

If you’re writing about modern times, it’s important to keep in mind that the dating scene has changed a great deal in the last century or so. In the early 20th century, dating was largely considered a ‘female’ task, as men were more often the ones pursuing romantic relationships. But as more and more women entered the workforce, they started demanding equal rights in the dating realm. And so gradually, the meaning of ‘date’ started shifting, so that it could apply to both sexes. If you’re writing about modern times, you have to acknowledge this evolution and try to find the right word to represent it.

Single Dates

If you’re dating someone, you’re considered to be on a single date. But what does that mean? Well, in some contexts, a single date can mean going out on one date with that person. In other contexts, it could mean being on one phone call or meeting up with that person for coffee. So, it’s all about how you define it. If you’re really on a single date, you wouldn’t usually go on another one. You’d either end the date or the other person would end the date. It’s usually a bit more complicated than that, but at least it’s all about you and your definition of a single date.

Marriage Dates

Marriage dates are usually dates on which you plan to get married to the person you’re dating. These are the sorts of dates that people look forward to all their lives. They plan on growing old together, having children, and spending their sunset years happily ever after. But if you don’t see yourself as being in a monogamous relationship, you might struggle to find the right word for these dates. ‘Monogamy’ might be a good word to use in this case. It has the dual function of referring to the practice of having only one sexual partner at a time, while also symbolizing the enduring love and commitment you have for your partner. It can also be used to describe the clothing and accessories brand that you support and cherish.

Significant Others

Significant others can be defined as those people who are important to you but aren’t your romantic partners. It can be hard to find the right word to represent the term ‘significant other’, especially if you’re not used to using it. You might try to avoid using the term ‘significant other’ altogether and opt for ‘primary partner’ or ‘partner’ instead. Or you could look to your spouse, your partner, or even your best friend for inspiration in creating the right phrase or word. You might also want to consider using the term ‘partnership’ to represent your status as a committed, significant other-worthy couple or group of friends.

As you can see, there are many different types of dates you might go on, and it can be hard to find the right word to represent each experience. If you’re not used to writing about your dating life, it can be challenging to describe every detail of your adventures. But despite the ambiguity inherent in the English language, you’ll definitely have a much better chance of creating authentic and engaging fictional narratives if you learn how to use the right words.