If you’re an online writer with a large following, you might be wondering how you can protect your work from being copied and used without permission. Believe it or not, this has happened to several popular writers and it’s definitely something you need to consider.
To that end, in this article, we’re going to discuss some of the ways in which you can prevent plagiarism and promote your work to ensure your creative writing is cherished and your financial future is protected.
Create Fake Twitter Accounts
While it’s great that you have a devoted fan following on Twitter, it’s not always great to have your entire social network co-conspire to do you harm. If someone is going to steal your work, they’re probably going to want to emulate your style and tone as much as possible. And what’s the easiest way to do that? Create a fake Twitter account that looks exactly like you. In this way, you can ensure that your work does not get stolen and used without your permission.
This is especially useful if you’re dealing with a writer’s block and can’t figure out what to write about. In this case, you can simply log into one of your fake Twitter accounts and start tweeting about something autobiographical or anecdotal. As long as you continue to add value to your Twitter network, they will continue to engage with your content and hopefully, this will inspire you to write more. In this way, you can prevent your work from being stolen and you can keep creating more content while also ensuring your financial security.
Use Social Media Publishing Tools
While it’s always great when a reader discovers your work and decides to share it with their network, this is basically a losing proposition if you don’t own the copyright to your material. And what’s the easiest way to get the copyright to your work? Publish your content on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. In this way, you can protect your work and ensure that it does not get used without your permission.
If someone steals your work, they’re probably going to want to use it without attribution or give it some sort of fake impersonation. Fortunately, these days, there are tools that can help you solve this problem. For example, if you have a blog, you can use the Twitter platform to publish your content. Then, if someone decides to steal your work, they’re going to have to go through a ton of content to find the exact match. This also ensures that you’re protected from copyright infringement, ensuring the integrity of your work while also securing your financial security.
Set The Blog Up Correctly
One of the first things you need to do to ensure the safety of your work is to set up your blog in a way that does not make it easy for someone to steal your content. In other words, you want to make sure that your blog’s architecture, design, and content all contribute to the protection of your work. If you’re worried about someone copying your content and using it without permission, the last thing you want is to give it away for free through a blog that looks too easy to emulate.
For example, if you’re using WordPress, you can use the free version to create a blog with a very basic template. Then, you can use a premium version to take advantage of all the functionalities that come with a professional-looking blog. In this way, you can ensure the safety of your writing while also securing your financial security. As a result, you can rest assured that your work is not going to be copied without your permission, because you did everything you needed to do to make sure it wasn’t.
Use Copyright Free Images
In the same way, you want to make sure that your blog’s content does not look like something that could’ve been lifted from the web. To that end, you can use images from Images.com to protect your work. Basically, this is an image search engine that allows creators to protect their content. In this way, you can ensure the safety of your work while also securing your financial security. As a result, you can rest assured that your work is not going to be copied without your permission.
Use Disqus
If you have a larger audience on Twitter, you can use the disqus plugin to protect your content. In plain English, this is a comment section plugin that allows creators to moderate comments on their blog or website. As a result, you can ensure the safety of your work while also securing your financial security. In this way, you can rest assured that your work is not going to be copied without your permission.
When you use plugins like these, you can rest assured that your work is not going to be copied because there’s no way for a non-technical user to hack the system. And if someone does try to hack the system, it will alert you to the fact that your work has been stolen.
Monitor Your Reputation
With all of that said, one of the most important things you can do to ensure the safety of your work is to monitor your reputation. As a writer, you probably rely on the Internet to find content that is relevant to your work. To that end, if you start to notice that someone is stealing your content and using it without your permission, you can simply report the incident. In this way, you can ensure the safety of your work while also securing your financial security. In other words, you can rest assured that your work is not going to be copied without your permission because someone will ultimately be held accountable for their actions.
As a result, these are just some of the ways you can ensure the safety of your online writing portfolio. In most cases, this is just a matter of being vigilant and doing your due diligence. When you’re writing something that is professionally executed and well-thought-out, it’s usually not an issue. On the other hand, if you’re just throwing something off the cuff or using an online tool to compose your text, then perhaps you should look into copyright protection. In this way, you can ensure the safety of your work while also securing your financial security. For now, if you follow the above tips, you can rest assured that your work is not going to be stolen.