Whether you are an experienced writer or new to the craft, dialogue is something that you will inevitably have to tackle at some point in your creative writing journeys. After all, the character banter and witty repartee that we adore in Hollywood films are integral to many great stories. Aspiring authors may wonder how to go about creating engaging, funny and organic dialogue for their written works – especially if they are aiming for a realistic or gritty tone. In this article, we will explore a number of tips on how to incorporate witty dialogue and organic conversations into your creative writing assignments, so you can develop your skills and become a more confident writer.
Pick Your Characters Wisely
The first step to writing snappy dialogue is to pick your characters wisely. Before you start writing, map out a detailed backstory for each of your characters. You can use the detailed character bios you create to populate your dialogue. If you follow the rule of putting yourself in your work, then you will surely achieve a more organic and realistic style of writing. In addition to the backstory, you can also use this opportunity to flesh out the personality and quirks of each character. This will all help you to shape the kind of dialogue that will appeal to your audience. When you have a clear idea of who you will be writing about, you can more easily choose an appropriate setting for the dialogue. If your story takes place in an office, for example, then you may want to write all of the dialogue in the workplace style. Conversely, if your story takes place in a bar then you may choose to write all of the dialogue like a grungy American alfresco.
Know Your Audience
You should always consider your audience when choosing the setting for your creative writing. If you are writing for a general audience, then you may want to explore a number of different settings before you settle on one. You should also think about the language and style of the piece. For instance, if you are writing a contemporary story, then you may want to choose a setting that reflects that. If your story is set in the 1920s, then you might want to incorporate some authentic dialogues from that era. To write authentic dialogue, you will need to do some research into the language and vernacular of the time. This will help you to create a more realistic and engaging story. If you are aiming for a more gritty or realistic tone, then you might want to explore the vernacular of the underclass – something the luxury of a 1920s florist could not provide.
Choose Scenes That Will Appear Real
Another way to add realism to your creative writing is to choose scenes that will appear real. You can do this by adding specific details to settings and locations. For example, if you are writing about a car accident, you might want to show the damage to the vehicle in detail. In the same way, if you write about someone’s house, you can describe the layout of the rooms and how they function. Adding a touch of authenticity to your writing will certainly help to make it more relatable and engaging.
Take Care Of The Repetition
Often, when we read or listen to something, we will notice that the author or the speaker repeats themselves frequently. This can make us lose focus on the narrative and become distracted by the constant stream of monosyllables or blether. It is extremely easy for the reader or the listener to become desensitized to this kind of floridity. In your own creative writing, try to avoid this by varying your sentences and making your characters unique. Varying your sentences will certainly help to keep your reader’s attention focused on the story and away from any floridity. In a similar way, making your characters unique will ensure they appear realistic and lifelike. This will make your dialogue more believable and engaging. As an author, you can use this tool to your advantage and make your characters appear more realistic and believable.
Like any other skill, writing dialogue requires practice. You cannot expect to produce high-quality work straight away and it will take time for you to find your feet and produce something that is both effective and entertaining. The better you get at it, the more enjoyable and immersive your work will become. If you follow these tips and incorporate them into your creative writing, then you will surely enjoy yourself and your work will improve dramatically. From the very beginning, you will notice that your language becomes more fluent and natural. Soon, you may find yourself writing without thinking and enjoying the creative process. Before you know it, you will be producing work that is engaging and entertaining – something you could be proud of.