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How to Post Music Without Copywriting or Instagram

Instagram is a massive platform with over one billion active monthly users. It was once described by TechCrunch as the “Favourite Social Platform of the Millennial Generation”.

The app encourages users to post 15-second videos of themselves performing an activity or using a product. These clips are often comical, showing the “good-self” in a series of funny scenarios.

Music fans have longed known the feeling of being overwhelmed by the amount of content available on the platform. While there are many ways to discover songs, albums, and artists on TikTok – from the trending charts to the popular music playlists – there’s always more than enough to keep a user busy.

But the truth is, sometimes we want to discover and listen to new music without the distraction of social media. As the old adage goes: “The best way to find a mate is by meeting people outside your comfort zone.” And Spotify’s algorithm doesn’t always present the best of new music to users.

The Top 5 Free Blogs For Music Fans

Many music fans have turned to blogs as a way to keep up with new music without the clutter of social media. Though the format has changed a lot in the last few years, it originally stemmed from online music magazines such as Pitchfork and High Snobiety that became popular around the time of the Great Recession. These publications – often referred to as “music diaries” – became prominent as a way for fans to keep up with the latest in music without having to spend a lot of money.

Here’s a look at five of the best music blogs for fans.


The name says it all with this blog that focuses on independent music. Established back in 2011, the site covers album reviews, event announcements, and music news. Its focus is on unsigned artists, and it also features music videos. If you love discovering new music, this is a must-read blog.

The music blogosphere is a big place, and you’ll discover a wealth of information if you know where to look. The best place to start is arguably ULTRA, which focuses on highlighting new music that deserves to be heard. If you’re a fan of alternative, indie, or modern music, this is the perfect place for you.

4. Dear Music

Here’s another fantastic music blog that’s been going for over 10 years. Started by Mike Ward, the blog covers both mainstream and indie music. It also hosts live shows and in-studio sessions with renowned musicians. This is definitely one of the best blogs if you’re looking for a mixture of new music and live shows.

The name of the blog is a play on words. It basically means “dear music.” Because it’s aimed at adults, the tone is generally a bit lighter than that of other music blogs. Still, it’s very much a music blog, and it always will be.

Though well-known for its album reviews, it’s the live shows that really make this blog. Like ULTRA, this is a place to discover new musicians and to see where and when they play. Like most music blogs, it’s open to everyone. So, if you’re looking for a mix of new music and live shows, this is the place to be.

3. The Quietus

Named after the influential British music magazine of the same name, this blog covers music news and features exclusive interviews with prominent musicians. Though it officially launched in 2014, it’s one of the older music blogs. Still, it has gained an incredible amount of popularity, with over 200,000 unique monthly visitors and over 7.5 million pageviews on average.

This is a place for fans to learn more about their favorite musicians, and it also offers a glimpse into music history. The biggest draw, however, is the content—readers will find both new music and interesting tidbits about the industry.

Aside from the magazine and the website, The Quietus also has an Instagram account with over 1.7 million followers. For those who enjoy discovering new music, this is the go-to place for them.

2. Louder

This is a fantastic blog if you’re looking for both new music and interviews with famous musicians. It was started by Tom Smyth, a senior writer for The Guardian, who wanted to create a place where he could explore and champion new music. As the name would suggest, Louder focuses on music that is louder than anything else. It also covers rock, metal, and punk, as well as indie music. Its fans range from 14-years-old to “hipsters, cool kids, and adults who like music in general.”

Like ULTRA and The Quietus, this is a place for fans to learn more about their favorite musicians and to see where and when they play. It also features artist interviews and has a section where it showcases bands from smaller independent labels. This is a great blog if you’re a fan of loud music. And, as the name would suggest, this is a place to be heard. Because it’s aimed at adults, the tone is generally a bit more professional than that of other music blogs. Still, it’s definitely a music blog, and it always will be.

1. Pitchfork

And finally, let’s not forget about Pitchfork, one of the biggest and most influential music blogs founded in 2002. It’s most well-known for its album reviews but has expanded its coverage to include live shows, films, and more. It’s also one of the oldest music blogs still around, and it continues to grow in popularity, garnering over 500,000 unique visitors each month and over 12 million pageviews on average.

It started out as a print magazine and then transitioned to an online-only format. This is a place for fans of all ages to enjoy new music, alongside interesting tidbits about the industry. In addition to the blog, Pitchfork runs a YouTube channel with over 13 million views. It also features podcasts, remix contests, and more. If you’re looking for a place to catch up on music news and to see what’s new, this is the ultimate source for you.

As we mentioned above, finding new music without social media can be tricky. That’s why these blogs are so important. They keep music alive by updating fans on new music that will soon be released. In some cases, these blogs feature exclusive interviews with prominent musicians. Still, they all feature both new music and album reviews, so you’re sure to find something that will please you.