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How to Make Money from Copywriting

Everyone needs money, but not everyone wants to do the same old boring things to make it. Sometimes you need a little extra cash flow, but you don’t want to mess with your own business. That’s where copywriting comes in. What is copywriting? It’s the process of creating compelling content for marketing and sales purposes.

You’ll often hear successful content creators refer to it as “brain candy”. Creating compelling content isn’t always easy, which is why it is so valuable to have a skill like copywriting. If you can create beautiful, engaging content for businesses big and small, you’re in demand. And the good news is, you don’t have to be a professional writer to do it.

Let’s get into it.

The Benefits Of Copywriting

When you are in need of extra cash, one of the first places you should be looking is your wallet. After all, you can’t pay your bills with money you made from online gambling or selling pirated movies. Still, you always have the option of asking your parents for help, but there is another way.

The benefits of copywriting are many, but probably the most significant one is that it allows you to make money online without having a huge investment in expensive tools or special equipment. You don’t need a fancy laptop to do copywriting, and you certainly don’t need to buy expensive software. All you need is a good old fashioned computer and an internet connection.

Because it is such a low-tech way to make money, copywriting is one of the most accessible opportunities for beginners. You’ll have to learn the basics, such as search engine optimization (SEO), before you can start reaping the benefits of creating content for online businesses, but with a little patience you’ll be able to succeed.

The Anatomy Of A Great Copy

To create great copy you must do two things above all else: write captivating headlines and create compelling content that encourages the reader to take action.

The anatomy of a great copy is as follows:

1. The Hook

You want to hook the reader from the very first word with an intriguing headline that will keep their attention and compel them to read the rest of your content. If you can create a captivating hook, you can guarantee that your readers will stay focused throughout your entire content piece.

Sometimes a catchy headline isn’t enough, and you’ll also need an intriguing subtitle or sub-head to go along with it. The purpose of the hook is to grab the reader’s attention and keep it throughout your piece, so make sure that it is something that will make them say “hmm…that’s interesting…” once they’ve read it.

2. The Body

The body of your content should be an extension of your hook. It should be a concise, yet comprehensive description of what you wrote in your headline. Use your body to elaborate on the details and expand upon your ideas. Make sure that your body contains enough details to back up your claims and convince your readers that what you wrote is true. You want to leave no question as to what the purpose of your content was.

3. The Conclusion

Your conclusion will likely include a summary of the main points you made in your content and a call to action, inviting the reader to take some sort of action. Whether it’s visiting a product website, downloading an app, or filling out a form, make sure that the call to action is relevant and appropriate for your intended audience.

You want to end your content on a high note by giving your readers plenty of takeaway value. It’s always nice when an article leaves you with a practical takeaway to help you improve your life or business. You don’t want to leave your readers with nothing more than a dry conclusion, packed with facts and figures, but with no real value.

How To Make Money From Copywriting

If you want to start making money from copywriting, you need to decide whether you want to go the traditional route and write for money websites or take the more direct route and create your own blog.

The first option is typically the better one, as it allows you to build a portfolio of work and gain experience. Once you’ve built up some credibility, you can start applying for more exciting and high-paying jobs, such as content marketing or strategy.

To start making money from copywriting, you’ll need to do the following:

1. Find Clients

The first step is to find clients. You’ll do this through freelance copywriting gigs or by using freelancing platforms, like Upwork, to connect with potential customers. If possible, ask for referrals from other freelancers you’ve worked with.

You’ll need to become a good copywriter in as little as 30 days so that you can quickly get up to speed with the latest trends and technologies. Once you’re able to demonstrate that you know your way around a word processor, you can start looking for gigs. Keep in mind that the more experience you have, the better. As a beginner, you’ll need to write a lot of low-paying jobs to build up your portfolio.

2. Start A Blog

A blog is a great way to make money from copywriting, as it’s such a low-cost and low-overhead way to create content. The first step is to pick a niche.

The better your niche, the more interested potential readers you’ll have. For instance, if you are a financial blogger, you’ll have a lot of interested readers who are looking for personal finance advice. Or if you are an e-commerce copywriter, you’ll likely be writing for websites in the luxury goods category, as these types of websites usually have high turnover rates and need fresh content frequently.

The next step is to build a small blog around that niche.

Choose a WordPress theme that is simple but elegant and suitable for your blog’s niche. You don’t need a huge theme; just something simple will do. When choosing a blog platform, make sure that you go for a free option. That way, if you decide at a later date that you want to monetize your blog, you won’t be penalized for making the decision to do so.

Once you’ve decided on a theme, the next step is to publish content on a regular basis. Ideally, you’ll want to have at least one new piece of content every week. Sometimes it can be every other week, depending on your schedule and how often you’re able to put in the required amount of hours. You should never put out content sporadically or only in response to specific queries; publish at least once a week and make sure that your audience knows that you’re always available to speak with them.

3. Start Charging

Once you’ve got a small following on your blog, it’s time to start charging for content. At this point, you can either choose to continue with your traditional route and pitch to large businesses or take the direct route and start applying for grant money, venture capital, and angel investors.

The first step is to figure out your prices. In the early stages of your career, you’ll want to set high prices, as you’ll be competing for work with other writers. Once you’ve established yourself as a trusted source for reliable content and built up a good portfolio, you can start dropping your prices and becoming more affordable. However, make sure that you don’t undercut yourself, as no one will want to work with you if you’re not reliable and consistent in your pricing.

4. Promote Your Blog

Now that you’ve got a small following, it’s time to start marketing your blog. You’ll want to engage with your audience by posting regularly on social media and engaging with them in forums and groups.

On social media, post regularly and make sure that you engage with your followers and potential clients by answering their questions and providing useful tips. You can also choose to engage with potential clients through groups and forums, on social media or through email marketing. Just remember, the better your engagement, the more likely your followers and potential clients are to believe that what you have to say is valuable and worth listening to.