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How to Make Money as a Writer From Home

It’s a common scenario. You’ve got a fabulous idea for a book that you’re certain will be a best-seller. You approach a publisher withyour proposal and, after several rounds of changes, they agree to give it a shot. You finally get your hands on a contract and begin to work out the details. At some point, the stress gets to be too much and you decide to take a break from the whole thing. You think to yourself, “If I really want to make a living from this, I’ll need to find a different way.” You put in some more research and come up with an idea for a course that you feel will help others achieve their goals. You pitch your idea to a few marketing gurus and get accepted into an affiliate marketing program. You begin to build a team, teach the course and generate revenue. Several months go by and you’ve got enough material to form the basis of a solid self-help course. You decide that the material is just too good to keep to yourself and decide to package it up as a book. You send out a thousand print copies to your mailing list and sit back as your fans begin to trickle in. Your journey from writing hobby to full-time writer becomes reality. Now, you’ve got the itch to continue and come up with some more courses and materials to expand your platform.

What About Those Those Who Aren’t Born Into Wealth?

If you’re reading this, I assume that you either already have a steady stream of revenue coming in or you’re close to doing so. You might be asking yourself, “What about those who aren’t born into wealth? Is this course really going to help them?” The answer is unequivocally yes. When you give sincere, hard work and determination a go, you’ll rarely be let down. The key is to develop the skills to monetize your knowledge as expediently and efficiently as possible. There are plenty of courses, trainings and workshops out there that can help you get started. You can even grab a free demo account with Wealthy Affiliate so you can get familiar with the toolset they provide. One of the best things about WA is that it provides you with an entire community of people waiting to help you grow your business. You can sign up for a free account at Wealthy Affiliate and get to work. Remember: if you want to succeed, surround yourself with people who are greater than you. Networking is essential. Building a strong team is the key to being able to take on the big dogs. When you’ve got a solid foundation, all you need are the guts to follow through. Persistence and grit will get you far. If you want to make the most of this course, get started as soon as you can.

The Downsides

There are a few downsides to this particular route. First, the initial investment to join a community like WA can be quite high. You’ve got to be prepared to put in the time and effort to learn the ropes. The good news is that once you get the hang of it, you’ll never want to be without the toolset again. The second downside is that you’ve got to be extremely proactive in pursuing revenue streams. You’ve got to put in the time and effort to build your platform by contributing and engaging with other content creators. The key to making money as a writer is not luck, but instead the disciplined application of effort to build a sustainable business model. The last downside is that it can take a long time to make money as a writer. It generally takes years of consistent effort to finally start seeing some returns on your investment. You’re not going to become a full-time writer overnight, especially if you want to make a living at it. This is definitely a business that requires patience.

Alternative Routes

If you want to make the most of this course, get started as soon as you can because there are other options. You don’t have to limit yourself to one revenue stream. You can become an expert in a number of areas and then become a freelancer and consultant for companies in need of specific expertise. There are also a host of apps and software that can help you with the entire freelance and consulting process. If you’re passionate about a particular area, there are countless ways that you can contribute to the field. Start by learning the fundamentals and then gain as much experience as you can. Take advantage of the internet and use your skills to become an authority in your chosen niche. Don’t be afraid to put your name on drafts, proposals and other documents. Getting your name out there is a great way to establish credibility and make money in the long run.

An easy way to make money from home is to get a job. If you’ve got a steady stream of revenue, you can simply use that to fund your journey toward becoming a full-time freelancer or consultant. If you’ve been dreaming of making a living from your passion for writing, you can take a hybrid approach. Begin by contributing to websites and magazines in your field. Once you’ve established a reputation for yourself as a reliable and authoritative voice, you can look to contract work on an as-needed basis. The choice is yours. There are a number of options available to those who want to make money as a writer from home.