I’m Jenny McEntire, and I’m a sex education (or “sex ed”) writer. The truth is, I’ve been doing this for almost a decade now, and I’ve got lots of tricks up my sleeve. If you’re looking for a career in writing, tackling sex education can be a great way to make a living. There are numerous ways to make money as a sex ed writer, but it takes a bit of work to figure out which one is right for you. Here are my top tips for how to make money as a sex ed writer.
Find Your Niche
Niche is a word used a lot in marketing and business. It basically means “a small area of interest or expertise,” like “vegetarian niche” or “sex toy niche.” When it comes to writing, a niche can be something as specific as “teen horror fiction,” or it can be a bit more generalized like “erotic fiction.” Finding your niche can help you figure out what kind of content to focus on and, therefore, which publications to approach first. For example, if you love to write about LGBTQIA+ issues, approach the publications that cover those topics. Alternatively, if you are a romance writer, approach those publications first. Once you’ve found your niche, stick with it! It will make your life a lot easier as you navigate the sea of writing options out there.
Find Your Voice
Anyone reading this, how do you feel about sex and sexuality? Are you an advocate for safe sex or completely against it? Do you believe in abstinence or do you think sex and relationships are a part of a young person’s life that they should learn about and experience? Find your voice and start using it! Start by talking to people in your life about your views on sex and sexuality, and build a rapport with your readers. If you want to write about abstinence, do it from the perspective of a young person who is learning about relationships and sex — it’ll make your words more relatable.
Build A Following
Even if you’ve found your niche, there’s still a lot of competition out there. To stand out from the crowd and make a bit of money, you need to establish yourself as an expert in your industry. The best way to do this is by building a following. Start by engaging with your followers on social media, whether that’s Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Comment on other people’s blogs and share their content. If you’re doing this through a company you work for, be sure to mention it in your social media posts. Doing these things will not only make you seem more professional, but it will also make others more likely to remember you and connect with you if they’re in need of your services.
Don’t Be Fooled By Free
When you’re first getting started, the idea of paying for content can seem impossible. After all, why should you have to pay for content when there’s so much of it out there for free? The fact is, whether you realize it or not, a lot of the content you read online is paid for. Whether it’s a sponsored post or an ad on a blog, content writers are compensated to write about products and services that are relevant to their niche.
For example, I could write about vegan dating and lifestyle, or I could write about the top luxury watches for men. Both are topics I’m passionate about, but one will probably make me a bit more money than the other. If you want to write about luxury watches, approach brands like Rolex and Patek Philippe to see if they have any sponsored content opportunities you could join.
Sell Your Personality
It’s important to find the right tone for your content when writing. This is why it’s critical to find your niche; this will help you decide the kind of content you want to write. Some writers approach their work with a journalistic tone, while others use more of a creative tone. The more you use, the more you’ll connect with your readers. Remember: you’re selling something, whether it’s a product or a service, so make sure that you match the tone of that product or service.