Is it possible to make money as a fantasy writer? Well, the short answer is yes. It is possible to make money as a fantasy writer, but the process is not necessarily easy. If you are looking to make money from a writing portfolio, then you may need to consider applying for a grant, freelancing, or taking up a side gig. Keep reading for more information on how to make money as a fantasy writer.
The Long And The Short Answers
If you’re looking to make quick cash, the short answer is no, it is not possible to make money as a fantasy writer. The reason being is that most fantasy writers are looking to make a full-time income from writing. They want to give up their day jobs and focus on their creative pursuits. However, if you’re looking to build a long-term portfolio, then the answer is yes, it is definitely possible to make money as a fantasy writer. It just takes a little bit of dedication and planning. The short answer is that it is not easy, but the long answer is that it is actually very possible to make money as a fantasy writer.
The Vital Statistics
Let’s get down to brass tacks and discuss exactly what it is that you need to do to make money as a fantasy writer. The first and most vital step is to identify your audience. Who is your audience and what are they looking for? Once you know who your audience is, you can craft your strategy around meeting their needs. For example, if you’re writing fantasy football analysis for sports fans, then you may need to consider applying for a grant to cover the costs of creating in-depth analysis articles. On the other hand, if you’re writing adventure or science fiction stories, then you may not need to worry about funding as much as you would for a romance novel. Your next step is to build a portfolio. Now is the time to start putting your words on paper. Start a blog, or if you’re particularly ambitious, consider applying for a digital publication that will afford you greater exposure. Make sure that what you publish reflects what you’re capable of. Avoid self-publishing until you’ve built up a substantial portfolio. Once you’ve got a decent amount of content on your blog, apply for guest blogging gigs. If you’re able to pull enough in, you may decide to quit your day job and pursue your dream full-time. Good luck out there!