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How to Make Good Money as a Writer

There are many ways to make money from a writing career, but the most popular and lucrative option is to become a freelance writer. If you’re considering this route, read on for some helpful advice on how to make the most of it.

Decide Why You Want To Be A Freelance Writer

A lot of people decide to become freelance writers after their initial attempts at copywriting and editing don’t pan out. Freelancing gives you the opportunity to try out different ways of writing and being published, while also having the security of earning a regular income. It’s a great option for everyone, no matter what stage you’re at in your writing career.

Deciding to be a freelance writer is one step towards making it happen, but it’s important to take into consideration why you’ve decided to do this. There are many benefits to being a freelance writer, but you should consider the risks before you make up your mind.

Develop Your Writing Portfolio

A good place to start if you’re determined to write for a living is to develop a writing portfolio. This is a collection of your work that you can take to potential clients to show them what you can do. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be comprehensive enough to convince the reader that you know what you’re doing. Once you have a decent collection, begin sending out your writing samples to potential clients.

You can always take this portfolio into consideration when pitching your ideas to different companies and publications. Being able to show off your work in a tangible form makes a world of difference when trying to convince a potential client to hire you. You can also use your writing portfolio to get other jobs in the publishing industry, such as editing and copywriting, where you can showcase your skills and gain more experience.

The point of a writing portfolio is to have something concrete to show to potential clients. You don’t need to have the entire book finished, since that would take too long to sell. Instead, you can send out short stories, flash fiction, or even an edited excerpt from a longer work. Make sure that each piece is relatively close to being finished, so that you can send it out and start getting paid. Once you have enough pieces, begin looking for an agent to handle all of your negotiations and get your work published.

Find Potential Clients

If you’re serious about making money as a writer, it’s important to look for potential clients not only in your local area, but also online. The more you can do to reach as many people as possible, the better your chance of making some money from this career path. There are numerous platforms that can help you get your work out there to as many people as possible, so be sure to take advantage of these tools. Platforms like Twitter, Medium, and Facebook can help you find an audience and gain some momentum.

In addition to reaching online audiences, you can expand your reach even further by getting listed in professional directories. These directories can help you find clients in your local area, as well as increase your odds of getting hired by companies and publications that have an online presence. For example, if you’re a freelance writer for a local newspaper, getting listed in the Yellow Pages could prove beneficial in terms of getting some business. You could also consider looking into professional associations for writers, to see if there are any local groups that you can join. You can also visit the association’s website to find out more about what the organization does and how you can become involved in the future.

Sell Your Skills

Whether you’re experienced or just starting out, there are many ways to sell your skills as a writer. You can do this either directly or indirectly, but either way, it’s a viable option to consider. If you’re looking for a way to make money from a freelance writing career, consider selling your skills to editorial agencies, local newspapers, and even creative companies that need content for their websites and social media platforms.

There are many ways to make money from a writing career. Joining a freelance writing team, developing a web-based course, or even selling your skills to the highest bidder, are all viable options. However, the most popular and lucrative way to make money as a writer is to become a freelance writer yourself. If this is what you’re considering, take the time to develop your writing portfolio, find potential clients, and sell your skills. With luck, you could be earning your very first dollar before you know it.