When you have a business – whether it’s an online store or a physical store – you’re always going to have pieces of paper to represent you and your brand. Your company’s logo is one of the most important of these pieces of paper.
What is a logo, you might ask? Essentially, it’s the symbol or mark that you use to represent your company or brand. If you have an e-commerce store, then your logo would be the symbol you use to identify yourself in electronic form – your website’s URL or e-mail address, for example.
The importance of a strong, distinctive logo is undeniable. After all, it’s the first thing people see when they encounter your company or brand. Therefore, it’s the perfect platform from which you can jumpstart your marketing efforts.
If you’re completely new to logo design, then sit back and watch our expert guide to designing the perfect logo for your copywriting business.
Pick A Theme, Then Customise It
Before you start designing your logo, it’s important to choose a theme that speaks to you and your business. Themes such as “writing”, “editing”, or “publishing” are all pretty self-explanatory, and can make for some awesome logo concepts.
If you’re feeling adventurous, you could theme your logo around a specific subject matter such as “science” or “technology” and give it a modern twist. Or, if you’re a fashion brand, you could use red, white, and blue as the main colours and theme your logo around them to highlight your American heritage.
Once you’ve chosen a theme, you can start customising it to make it fit your business. Take your pick of the following suggestions to make your logo stronger:
- Include a symbol or image that represents your business (e.g. the number 5 for a furniture company or the skull & crossbones for a pharmaceutical company) – this will make your logo much more recognisable.
- Play around with the colours – use yellow, for example, for a food company or an engineering firm, or vice versa – to give it a more vibrant feel.
- If you have a specific font in mind, don’t be afraid to go for it – it’ll really stand out.
Use Scissors
A fantastic way to make your logo stand out is to use scissors to cut it into a shape that’s distinct and memorable. If your logo is originally designed to look like a stick figure, you might want to use a tool such as a knife or scissors to give it a three-dimensional look. You can do this to make it easier for the viewer to hold in their mind – it’ll also make it easier for you to remember when you’re designing future logos. (You might also want to consider vectoring or drawing your logo using a graphic tool such as Adobe Illustrator or InDesign.)
If you have a specific industry or subject matter in mind when designing your logo (e.g. “pharmaceuticals” or “technology”), you might want to consider the type of people you want to attract to your business. For example, if you’re designing a logo for a pharmaceutical company, you might want to make sure your logo is child-friendly – something that speaks to parents as well as the people you want to reach with your marketing.
Play Around With Shapes And Forms
You can put a truly unique spin on your logo design by playing around with the different forms your logo can take – circles, stars, squares, and so on. For example, perhaps your business is a publishing company and you want to highlight your experience in editing – you can use a rectangle, then add in a circle to create a rounded rectangle. Or, perhaps you’re a fashion brand and you want to create a fashion icon – to do this, you could start by creating a square, then play around with adding in circles, stars, or other motifs on it. You can also consider using a combination of all of these shapes – for example, a rounded rectangle with small stars around it. This will make your logo look unique and vibrant.
Remember that your logo is a small piece of art that represents your business – what you do and who you are. Therefore, it’s important to have fun with it but also keep the identity of your business in mind at all times. Designing a logo doesn’t have to be hard – with a little creativity, you can find the perfect symbol to represent your business.