People who love to write will generally have a unique and endearing way of expressing themselves through their writing. If you have a particular hobby or passion for writing, perusing the works of literary greats may very well be enticing. However, producing creative writing of any kind may be challenging for those who are relatively new to the profession.
The Beginner’s Mindset
If you’re planning on becoming a writer, you may be wondering about the various ways in which you could approach the process of learning to write successfully. The truth is, there are many different approaches that you may take, and none of them will make you instantly competent. Instead, what you need is a solid foundation in the art of writing and the willingness to develop and grow alongside this craft. This approach will serve you well in your journey to become a writer, as you will learn how to successfully navigate the complexities of the process and how to leverage the experience for the greater good.
1. Read
Whether you’re an experienced writer or you’re just beginning your journey, you must first understand what makes English literature tick. For this reason, you may need to invest in some quality English literature, either from the library or online booksellers. Remember, reading is the simplest and some would say the most ideal way to learn anything new. The more you read, the more you will understand. At the very least, you will understand more than you did before you started reading. So, don’t be afraid to read widely!
2. Join a Writing Group
A great way to learn how to write is by immersing yourself in the study of craft. This may mean attending weekly meetings with a writing group, participating in online forums with other writers, or even hiring a private tutor. In whatever way you choose to engage with other writers, whether in person or online, you will gain valuable insight into the workings of your English language and the effectiveness of your writing. Plus, you will develop a valuable network of people who share your interest and passion for writing!
3. Take Advantage Of Online Resources
Writing is a constantly evolving profession, and new methods and tools emerge to make the process easier and more efficient. Some of the most valuable lessons that you can learn are how to utilize online resources effectively. With the advent of the internet and the online university, learning to write has never been easier. Just type “how to write a business plan” into any search engine, and you will be presented with a wealth of information and instructional videos, all of which may be accessed for free.
Likewise, there are numerous online tutoring platforms, such as and, that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. These platforms allow you to connect with a professional tutor, who will help you improve your writing via an online teaching platform. All you need is a reliable internet connection, a laptop, and a bit of initiative!
4. Take A Class
There is also the option of taking a class or workshop on writing, either in person or via an online learning platform. Some classes may be offered as part of your college curriculum, while others may be courses that you take for personal growth or enrichment. Either way, being able to engage with knowledgeable and experienced instructors who are passionate about teaching and encouraging creativity is a great way to learn how to write. In many cases, you will need to pay for your class or workshop out of your own pocket, but the benefits to your overall learning experience will more than make up for the small financial investment.
5. Start A Blog
Blogs and other online content platforms are another great way to learn how to write. The ease of use and the fact that you can put anything you want on them means that they are an ideal tool for beginner writers who want to develop their skills and knowledge. Launching a blog can be a fairly straightforward process, and all you need is a reliable internet connection, a laptop, and a bit of flair!
If you decide that this is a route that you want to explore, you should first consider what you will write about. Will you focus on fiction or non-fiction? Personal blogs may cover a range of topics, but generally they will focus on one area in particular. For instance, a finance blog may cover personal finance, investing, or money management, but in general it will be about writing. A tech blog may cover software, hardware, or the internet as it relates to being a writer. The possibilities are endless!
To truly make the most of a blog, you will need to establish yourself as an expert in your chosen field. This means creating content that is both informative and engaging. If you are new to blogging, consider focusing on a series of tutorials, explaining the basics of blogging and how to get started with a blog of your own. Alternatively, you could interview subject matter experts in your field or write case studies about your personal experiences as a writer. Mastering the basics of blogging will set you up for a successful career as a creative writer, and the more you put in, the more you will get back. So, don’t be afraid to put in the work!
6. Read Newspapers And Magazines
Finally, turning to the more traditional methods of learning how to write, you could read newspapers and magazines related to your field of expertise. Not only will this provide you with a wealth of information from experienced writers, it will also give you a look into the various styles, tones, and structures of different authors and publications. Mastering the craft of writing may mean understanding the basic elements of strong story telling as well as being familiar with widely used styles such as the business plan, scientific paper, or grant proposal. Familiarizing yourself with these structures and styles can make your job as a writer that little bit easier and take the stress out of busy writing days!
As you can see, there are many ways to learn how to write. However, the most ideal and efficient approach is to read widely, both in and out of school, and to join a writing group, tutoring platform, or blog. In many cases, you will need to pay for these resources yourself, but the benefits to your overall learning experience will more than make up for the small financial investment.